
Callington & Gunnislake Methodist Circuit

On Sunday, July 21 friends and members of Stoke Climsland Methodist Church welcomed Rev David and Mrs Ali Moss for their final service before they retire (or 'sit down' - the term used by the Methodist Church).

Rev David and Mrs Ali Moss preparing for their meal
Rev David and Mrs Ali Moss preparing for their meal ( )

A moving Holy Communion was shared during the service, some rousing hymns sung and then a lovely lunch was enjoyed.The beautiful flower arrangements in the windows depicted various events and celebrations at Stoke Climsland Methodist Church during the time David and Ali have been in the Circuit - Sea Baptism, Platinum Jubilee, Alpha Course, King Charles III's Coronation and Bible Study. Thanks to everyone who helped on Sunday.  

The Circuit Farewell Service will be held at Callington Methodist Church on Sunday, August 4, at 10.30am.


Women’s Institute

President Barbara Brimacombe welcomed everyone to the monthly meeting including our guest speaker Philip Rodda who gave a talk on Roddas cream.

He started with a short TV programme filmed on the history of Roddas cream. Philip then went into detail on how it all started with his grandmother 100 years ago making cream and then discovering how to stabilise it to preserve it. His uncle took the cream up to London to promote it. All this was done with no running water or electricity. At one point they did go into Turkey production, but then decided to concentrate on the cream production as it was proving more popular. Roddas is very much a family affair even to this day. They provided the cream for Charles and Diana's wedding in 1981. A very interesting talk which everyone enjoyed.

The Lions Fayre which was held on Saturday, July 20, was a great success, with members providing wonderful home cooked food.

Sandra Nicholson volunteered to be the delegate at the AGM in October, also Joan Jones and Barbara Gates are attending as well.

Donations are needed for raffle prizes at the September meeting.

Competition, letter E; 1st Jean Morgan, 2nd Carina Davis, 3rd Sandra Nicholson.

Flowers; 1st Joan Jones, 2nd Sandra Luscombe, 3rd Jean Morgan.

The next meeting will be the ‘Summer Supper’ on Wednesday, August 28, at 5.30pm in St James Church Hall.

St Ive

Parish church

United morning service at St Ive Parish Church on Sunday, August 4, starting at 11.15am. Tea/coffee and chat to follow the service. All are welcome.


St Melor’s Church

Morning prayer will be held on Monday and Wednesday at 10am.

Evensong will be held on Sunday, August 4, at 6.30pm.

St Paul’s Church

An All Age Service will be held on Sunday, August 4, at 10am in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross.

Carnival and summer fayre

This annual event was held on Saturday, July 27, was a very enjoyable event and weather much better than the previous Saturday when it had been planned.

Horticultural Show

This is the 113th Linkinhorne Show and will be held in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross on Saturday, August 3, which will be opened by the Rev Marilyn Elliott at 2pm and later their will be the fancy dress judging and prize giving. There will also be face painting, as well as the usual vegetables, flowers, baking, handicrafts, photography, a raffle plus tea and cake.

St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

On August 4 the Sunday service will be with Anita Nicholson at 10am.


United Church

There will be a service of holy communion in Dobwalls United Church on Sunday, August 4, at 9.30am.


Old Cornwall Society

A peaceful rural scene just a few miles from the busy heart of Saltash yet largely cut off from the modern world was discovered by Saltash Old Cornwall Society members on their Summer visit to St Erney.

Surrounded by water on three sides and with just one lane leading into the parish from Landrake it was not always so isolated as local historian Ian Whittaker told members. He was joined by life long local resident Ken Crocker in outlining the history of the church and some of the ancient manors and farms around it. When the waterways formed the major transport links thereabouts the lane that leads from Markwell Quay and the ancient tidal ford to St Germans would have been busy with farming produce and quarried stone carried down from Landrake and beyond. St Erney’s medieval church, where members had foregathered, was probably served by the monks of St Germans and first referred to in 1269 is believed to be on the site of a Celtic holy enclosure.

Mr Whittaker told of Mark well, once a village with its own holy well, and of many of the families who over the generations lived in and around the parish. He told also of legends concerning witches being hung, a Russian princess anonymously buried, and of rural hauntings.

After adjourning for a Cornish cream tea in Landrake’s Buller's Arms the Old Cornwall Society members returned to Saltash with an increased awareness of the rich history and heritage possessed by their neighbouring parish.



The vintage rally held at Bealbury Chapel was a huge success.

The event was held to raise money for Marie Curie.

The weather was good and many people attended. There was a good selection of tractors motorcycles and vintage cars on display outside the chapel. Inside the display of toys of all ages was really enjoyed and memories were brought back.

A bring and buy stall did a good trade and refreshments were served throughout the afternoon. Many thanks to everyone who contributed with vehicles and toys. To all who contributed with bring and buy food and to all who helped in any way.

In total £1,200 was raised for this very worthy cause. Well done and many thanks to everyone.


Old Cornwall Society

On Wednesday, August 7, Bodmin Old Cornwall Society will be holding a short service in remembrance of the nine people (including eight from three generations of one family) who all perished when a bomb was dropped on Mill Street (now Dennison Road) on August 7, 1942 at 1.30pm.

On Sunday, August 18, at 3pm Bodmin Old Cornwall Society will be holding their annual Service commemorating The Prayer Book Rebellion in 1549. The Service commences a 3pm in St Petroc's Church Bodmin and will be attended by organisations from all over Cornwall who will finish the Service with a Procession of Banners.