
Flower Club

The workshop entitled “Summer Meadow Design” was extremely well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all of our members. They all produced some lovely arrangements using flowers and greenery obtained from gardens and hedgerows.

Fiona did a demo arrangement to give us an idea of what to do and then it was left to everyone to make their own design and it just showed what can be done without having to spend lots of money.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, August 1, starting at 2.30pm. The demonstrators are Christine Ridout and Maddie Dymond from Liskeard whose title is “It’s All in the Genes”. New and old members are very welcome to attend.

Further details can be obtained from Brenda Bolton on 07714 684344, the club Facebook page ‘Liskeard & District Flower Arrangement Society’ or the website:



PENSILVA’S Carnival Fun Day went ahead after a move from the rain-soaked outdoors to a dry Millennium Hall.

Liskeard mayor Cllr Christina Whitty presented awards. (Picture: Terry Whitty)
Liskeard mayor Cllr Christina Whitty presented awards. (Picture: Terry Whitty) (Terry Whitty)

“Even though the weather was horrendous, it was a fantastic success after the committee moved everything inside, and what an amazing organised event it turned out to be,” said Liskeard mayor Christina Whitty, who presented awards.

Carnival royalty. (Picture: Terry Whitty)
Carnival royalty. (Picture: Terry Whitty) (Terry Whitty)

With entries to the fancy dress categories well supported, a dog show was also popular and the stalls and raffle helped groups to raise money for various charities.

There were some colourful outfits on display. (Picture: Terry Whitty)
There were some colourful outfits on display. (Picture: Terry Whitty) (Terry Whitty)

“Congratulations to Vanessa and Keith and their committee for all their hard work.”

Mayor of Liskeard Cllr Christina Whitty with some of the prize winners. (Picture: Terry Whitty)
Mayor of Liskeard Cllr Christina Whitty with some of the prize winners. (Picture: Terry Whitty) (Terry Whitty)

Liskeard & Looe Union Canal

A recent article about the conservation of the former canal lock 21 on the Liskeard & Looe Union Canal mentioned the ongoing clearance of brambles and weeds.

The next vegetation clearance session has been arranged for Sunday, July 28, from 10am to 4pm. If any readers would like to come and help, they would be very welcome to come for as long as they wish.

Gardening gloves should be worn and suitable tools may be brought from home, although tools will be available.

Further details are available from Peter Murnaghan via email at [email protected]


Lansallos Fete

By kind permission of Ms Tess Silkstone, the hugely popular Lansallos Fete will take place at 2.30pm on Saturday, July 27, in the lovely, tranquil setting of the Old Rectory gardens next to the church of St Ildierna (in the church if wet).

There's lots of parking in the National Trust car park just 200 metres up the road from the church gate. Entry is free (though donations will be welcome), with proceeds going towards the cost of maintaining this lovely, medieval place of worship.

There'll be bargains galore to be found on an exciting variety of stalls selling delicious home baked cakes, home made jams, marmalades and chutneys, bric-a-brac, kiddies' toys and clothing, books & jigsaws, plants and plenty more. A special feature will be beautiful "sea jewellery" made locally from beach-combed materials. Games to be enjoyed include a tin can shy, skittles, hoop-la, horseshoe throwing, marbles-in-a-pot, and splat the rat.

Ice creams will be available for the unbeatable price of just £1 each, and clotted cream teas (jam first on the scones, naturally, as we're in Cornwall) for only £3 a head including tea or coffee! A raffle will of course be held with loads of attractive prizes as well as that old favourite, a tombola, with more wonderful prizes to be won.

This will be a good, old fashioned Fete, just like they used to be, so do come along and enjoy the fun. Why not combine a visit with a trip to Lansallos cove, just down an old smugglers footpath next to the church? Don't miss this unique Fete, it's the best in the west!


Ram roast and duck race

On Saturday, July 27, there will be a ram roast, BBQ and bar at 5.30pm. The duck race will be at 7.30pm. Finishing line by the bridge

Proceeds to the upkeep of All Saints Church.

All Saints Church

There will be holy communion at All Saints Church, Herodsfoot, on Sunday, July 28, at 9.30am with the Rev Ben Morgan-Lundie. All welcome.


St Melor’s Church

Morning prayer will be held in St Melor’s Church, Linkinhorne, on Monday and Wednesday at 10am.

Morning prayer on Sunday, July 28, will be held at 11am.

St Paul’s Church

A ‘Meet & Eat Breakfast’ will be held in the Cross Link Centre at 10am.

Volunteer Cornwall

Chris Price, transport officer, reports that this is a charity dedicated to building and developing the wellbeing of individuals and communities in Cornwall.

This is by working in collaboration with a wide range of organisations to promote and support active citizenship and voluntary action in Cornwall. Support is provided to all aspects across the county.

Volunteer drivers are needed in this area so if you have any spare time, regular or Ad-hoc, evenings, weekends or odd days for hospital appointments, school runs, charities and group events please get in touch. Drivers are required to undertake training in Safeguarding and MIDAS every two years. You will be providing a vital service and helping isolated and vulnerable people get to where they need to be. If available please get in touch [email protected] or call 01872 265300.

Mileage is reimbursed at a rate of 45p per mile.

Rilla Mill Carnival and Summer Fayre

Unfortunately this event was postponed last Saturday at short notice in view of the inclement weather. It will now be held on Saturday, July 27.

Entrants for the carnival please gather in the usual Rillaton field at the top of the village at 12.30pm and the procession will start at 1pm to Parson’s Meadow by the river for the fayre to include the model raft race, duck race, BBQ, stalls, competitions etc.

Light refreshments available too from the meadow kitchen. Unfortunately the Launceston Town Band cannot now lead the procession as they are booked for another event.


United Church

The circuit service at Liskeard Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, July 28, at 11am.

St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

On July 28 the Sunday service at Liskeard Methodist Church led by Rev Loraine Mellor, chair of the district and our superindendent minister at 11am. This will be followed by a Faith Lunch.

St Ive 

Village Hall

United Service to be held at Village Hall, on Sunday, July 28, starting 10.30am.

Led by Bernard Melling. All are welcome to come and share with the morning service. Tea, Coffee and chat to follow.

At St Ive Parish Church, there will be cream teas available from 2pm till 4pm on Sunday, July 28. All welcome.

St Cleer

Cleerway Community Church

Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast.

The morning service starts at 10.30am.

All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.


Old Cornwall Society

On Wednesday, August 7, Bodmin Old Cornwall Society will be holding a short service in remembrance of the nine people (including eight from three generations ofone family) who all perished when a bomb was dropped on Mill Street (now Dennison Road) on August 7, 1942, at 1.30pm.

On Sunday, August 18, at 3pm Bodmin Old Cornwall Society will be holding their annual Service commemorating The Prayer Book Rebellion in 1549. The Service commences a 3pm in St Petroc's Church Bodmin and will be attended by organisations from all over Cornwall who will finish the Service with a Procession of Banners.