RAIN couldn’t stop residents as they came out to enjoy Torpoint’s Lions Fair this week.

Months of preparation go into putting on events.  The members of Torpoint Lions club met regularly to put the details in place. The venue, facilities, entertainment and stall holders, have to be arranged for it to work however, you cannot predict the weather!

Despite planning, the heavens opened, causing outdoor events to be cancelled, however, the management of Torpoint Football club had a contingency plan and allowed the fair to migrate indoors. 

A spokesperson from Torpoint Lions explained: “With the brilliant work of the Lions members and club staff the rooms were ready for when the stall holders arrived to set up.

“Despite the rain hundreds of people turned up and were delighted to pass through the stalls and make purchases and were also entertained by some of the performances we were able to provide.

“A brilliant outcome from a disastrous start made possible by all who took part, thank you.”