
Callington & Gunnislake Methodist Circuit

A farewell service was held at Callington Methodist Church on Sunday, August 4, for Rev David and Mrs Alison Moss, who are retiring (or 'sitting down') after five years in the circuit.

The moving service was led by Rev Paul Smith, the steward was Su Tolman and organist Ken Pethick.

Circuit stewards Mark Pellow and Roger Daniel made presentations to David and Ali and representatives from the other local churches, town council and Royal British Legion were among the large congregation.

A lunch for 80 people was served in the Upper Room after the service.


United Church

There will be tea on Saturday, August 17, at 2pm. Then on Sunday, August 18, at 11am there will be a cluster service at St Neto.


Riverside United Church

On Wednesday, August 14, from 10am till 3.15pm the cafe at Riverside will raise funds for the building’s upkeep.

A variety of refreshments available/drinks/toilets, come along just as you are at Riverside United Church, The Quay West Looe.

On Sunday, August 14, at 6.30pm A Cornish Choir Service, with Keltique Choir and preacher Rev Richard Allen.

Everyone is very welcome to come along to an evening of singing and worship refreshments available.



A new improved skatepark is on the cards for Liskeard as councillors drive the project forward.

The current Rapson’s Park facility was installed more than 20 years ago. It’s limited in scope and the main ramps are reaching the end of their life.

Liskeard Town Council is seeking to create a new concrete skatepark suitable for a wide range of users including skaters, scooters, in-line skates and BMX.

The new park will be a high quality, low maintenance facility for Liskeard and surrounding villages – and the council wants to hear from local people to get their input.

The new skatepark will be a safe and inclusive space for local children, young people, and adults alike, and as part of the design will have natural surveillance, fencing, and improved biodiversity.

Liskeard Town Council has applied to the local authority for funding, and Crowdfunding is also planned.

Cornwall Councillors Nick Craker and Jane Pascoe recently showed leader of Cornwall Council Linda Taylor around the park so she could see the possibilities for herself.

“With our growing town, Jane Pascoe and I think it's important we have a range of facilities available to the community, young and old,” said Cllr Craker.

Liskeard Flower Club

We had a lovely demonstration at our August meeting by Christine Ridout and Maddie Dymond who, between them, produced some very interesting designs by either using floral foam or the new environmentally-friendly agriwool.

Christine Ridout and Maddie Dymond between them produced some very interesting designs
Christine Ridout and Maddie Dymond between them produced some very interesting designs (Liskeard Flower Club)

The title was “It’s All in the Genes” and the arrangements ranged from a hand-held bouquet, two basket designs, continental design plus others. It was a lovely relaxing afternoon. The arrangements were raffled off at the end of the demonstration much to the delight of members attending.

Our next meeting is on Thursday, September 5, starting at 2pm (note the new time). The demonstrator is Tracy Johnson from Torquay whose title is “Around the World in 80 minutes”. New and old members are very welcome to attend.

Further details from Brenda Bolton, on 07714 684 344.

St Pinnock

Connon Methodist Church

August 18 at St Neot Methodist Church with Martin O’ Connell at 11 am. Connon is open for worship at 10am.

St Ive

Parish church

On Sunday, August 18, a cluster service will be held at St Ive Parish Church, starting at 11.15am. When Archdeacon Kelly Betteridge will be leading the service. All are welcome.

St Cleer

Cleerway Community Church

Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast.

Our Communion Service starts at 10.30am. All are welcome, whatever your background or belief.


St Melor’s Church

Morning prayer at 10am. Evensong will be held at 6.30pm on Sunday, August 18.

St Paul’s Church

There will be a united benefice service at Pillaton on Sunday, August 18.

113th Linkinhorne Horticultural Show

This event took place in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross on Saturday, August 3, and the chairman, Michelene Norris introduced the Rev Marilyn Elliott, who was the local Anglican priest here a few years ago and opened the show.

Rev Marilyn Elliott who opened the Linkinhorne Horticultural  Show at the Parish Hall in Upton Cross, being presented with a floral gift from Rilla Mill Carnival King, Harry Davy and Carnival Queen, Merryn Davy
Rev Marilyn Elliott who opened the Linkinhorne Horticultural Show at the Parish Hall in Upton Cross, being presented with a floral gift from Rilla Mill Carnival King, Harry Davy and Carnival Queen, Merryn Davy ( )

She said how nice it was to be back to meet many familiar faces, and children who weren’t even born when she was here.

Unfortunately the vegetable section entries were down owing to the inclement weather in the important growing season but still beautiful flowers were displayed. The children also produced very interesting entries in the Art and Crafts, also photography, writing and cookery too as well as the adults. The new section for a miniature garden container was interesting too. This year there was also an opportunity to visit St Paul’s Church nearby to view the decorated floral window displays.

Sally Elliott receiving the trophy for 'Best Exhibit in Flower Arranging' and 'Best Exhibit in Flower Section'
Sally Elliott receiving the trophy for 'Best Exhibit in Flower Arranging' and 'Best Exhibit in Flower Section' ( )


Perpetual Cup, Most points in the Show — Rebecca Payne

H G Rich Perpetual Cup, Best Exhibit in vegetable classes (judge’s decision) — Jackie Benson

Owen Shovel Cup, Most points in vegetable section — Rebecca Payne

W J Bartlett Trophy, Winner of Collection of vegetables — Rebecca Payne

Marrow Trophy, Longest Marrow — Rebecca Payne

W G Hoskin Perpetual Cup, Novice Classes — The Growing Project

Mary Daniel Perpetual Cup, Most points in Flower Arranging — Sally Gisborne

Rebecca Payne receiving the trophy for 'Most Points in the Show' and 'Best Collection of Vegetables'
Rebecca Payne receiving the trophy for 'Most Points in the Show' and 'Best Collection of Vegetables' ( )

Delta Sobey Cup, Best Exhibit in Flower Arranging — Sally Ellicott

Gordon Rich Perpetual Cup, Most points in Flower section class 62-76 — Helen Gribble

Mary Sargent Perpetual Cup, Best Exhibit in the Flower section — Sally Ellicott

Elsie Davy Perpetual Cup, A Planted Garden Container — Helen Gribble

L. Morcom Perpetual Cup, Best Adult Photograph — Isabelle Gribble

T Gimblett Perpetual Trophy, Best Children’s Photograph — Harry Davy

Trophy, Most points in the Photography Section — Helen Gribble

Jennifer Bastard Perpetual Cup, Most points in the Handicraft Section — Barnaby Lea

Tucker Trophy, Best Exhibit in the Handicraft Section — Trish Stilts

Sheila Kittow Trophy, Most points in the Cookery Section — Jan Rothwell

W Doney Cookery Cup, Most points in Children’s Cookery aged 11 years and under — Ava Hick

R Doney Cup, Most points in Children’s Cookery 12-16 years — Isabelle Doney

Saunders Family Cup, Most points in the Show 12 years and over — Little Diggers

Children’s Perpetual Cup given by Mr and Mrs G Hoare, Best item of Art & Craft — Little Diggers

Head Teacher’s Award, Most points in the Show 11 years and under — Little Diggers

Eric Doney Memorial Shield for Young Gardeners (judges decision) — Ellia King

Playgroup Perpetual Cup, Most Points in Show four years and under — Sophie Delbridge

Craig Fisher Shield, Any Child’s Entry selected by Sandra Fisher, plus Most Loved — Little Diggers

Best Overall, Garden Tokens, Best Allotment, first prize and Parish Council Trophy — Joy Dent

Best Newcomer’s Allotment — Kevin and Kim Gilbert

Most Productive of Allotments - Steve Whitely and Alison

Tallest Sunflower — Iain Bassett

Arts and Crafts Exhibition and Sales

This event continues every day until Sunday, August 17, from 10am to 6pm with light refreshments and sales items available.

Women’s Institute

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 14, in the Cross Link Centre, next St Paul’s Church at Upton Cross at 7.30pm when Jan Richardson will talk about the Medical Detection Dogs.