It was real fun to go see the Liskeard Lions Panto Peter Pan at the Liskeard Public Hall last Thursday. Everyone, from the audience to the cast, had a great time.

It is the 26th pantomime that the Lions have put on in Liskeard. I would like to thank them for putting together such a great show and to all the people who made it a great success.

Last weekend I joined the local Masons in Millbrook for their annual Burn’s night. I would like to thank the organisers and congratulate them for raising money for local charity.

Last week in Westminster, I chaired a debate relating to the Groceries Supply Code of Practice. Many of my constituents have contacted me to tell me that they have signed the petition and I have sent them the Minister’s response.

On Tuesday morning I joined the Speaker and many colleagues in Portcullis House for the Holocaust Memorial Day Ceremony.

We heard from a survivor of the Holocaust as well as a survivor of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and genocide in Darfur. Two of my MP colleagues read poems and Mr Speaker lead the lighting of candles to commemorate the Holocaust, Nazi Persecution of other groups and subsequent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Each of the genocides were marked by laying a white rose in the Atrium of Portcullis House.

I was also able to ask the Minister about NHS dentistry in South East Cornwall during Health questions in the main House of Commons chamber. I was promised an announcement to improve access to a NHS Dentist would be imminent. I will keep up the pressure on this important issue.

Following this I was able to question the Fisheries Minister who appeared before Parliament’s Environment Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee.

I was able to raise the matter of the lack of Pollack quota which is affecting some small boat fishermen here in SE Cornwall and also at other coastal Towns and Villages throughout Cornwall.

On Wednesday morning after taking the Chair for a Committee discussing legislation regarding the draft Local Government Finance Act 1988 (Prescription of Non-Domestic Rating Multipliers) (England) Regulations 2023 which it is hoped will reduce the business rates for many small businesses.

At Prime Minister’s questions I was fortunate to be able to raise the delay in building the promised footbridge over the Railway Line in Lostwithiel and the Prime Minister confirmed that this will happen and Network Rail are looking for a funding solution. I have since spoken to the Secretary of State for Transport and he has confirmed that the Rail Minister will look into this urgently. I will continue to work on this on behalf of my constituents.