A ‘dangerous’ Stanley knife attacker has been jailed for slashing two men during a confrontation in a pub toilet.

Lance Cruise had only been out of prison for three days when he left the two victims needing dozens of stitches to their faces, necks and arms.

He had been drinking at the London Inn at Penzance and was drunk when he followed Shane Williams and Peter Maddern into the Gents and produced the knife.

He demanded money from Mr Williams and slashed his face repeatedly when he refused. Mr Maddern thought the demand for cash was a joke at first but then intervened to try and help his friend. He also suffered multiple cuts to the back of his head and both men needed hospital treatment.

Cruise, aged 29, of Woodlands View, Looe, and formerly of Heamoor, admitted causing grievous bodily harm with intent to both men and possessing the Stanley knife in a public place.

He was jailed for eight years with a three year extended licence by Judge Simon Carr at Truro Crown Court. He banned Cruise from any contact with the victims for ten years under a restraining order.

He told him that the violence of this attack and his previous criminal record meant that he must be classified as a dangerous offender who poses a serious risk of causing harm to the public in the future.

The judge noted that Cruise was jailed for six years for arson in 2018, has previous convictions for robbery, and had only been released from his previous sentence three days before this attack.

He said Cruise had armed himself with a knife and used it in a ‘terrifying way’ and that both victims had suffered physical scars as well as psychological harm.

Miss Katie Churcher, prosecuting, said Cruise had been drinking at the pub on the afternoon of August 26 this year when he carried out the attacks.

She said witnesses described Cruise acting in a ‘deranged’ way and walking out of the pub, leaving the injured man inside. He was traced and arrested later.

Mr Williams suffered a permanent four-inch cross-shaped wound to his face and needed many stitches for his cuts. Mr Maddern needed 47 stitches and had other wounds glued.

Mr Robin Smith, defending, said Cruise admitted the attack but cannot explain why he did it.