BoxTree Productions will be on the lawn at Bude Castle for a theatrical and musical performance of beloved story, The Wind in the Willows, on Sunday, August 4. When Mole gets fed up of cleaning her home she decides to leave her burrow and head out on adventure. She meets Ratty and Toad and Badger and discovers a love of the river and the joy of the open road.

However, that egocentric Toad is convinced to steal a car by those meddling weasels. Toad is arrested and the Weasels take over Toad Hall to turn it into a theatre for their own amusement. It falls to Mole and Ratty, Badger and Toad to take back Toad Hall. Will they do it? Join Boxtree on Sunday to find out, as they perform Kenneth Grahame’s story. Featuring hilarious comedy, magic and fantastic songs prepare for an evening of wonderful theatre.

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