By Mike Allsopp, freelance broadcaster and presenter/director of Liskeard Radio

BLESSED with what seemed like record-breaking crowds and glorious sunshine the 2024 Liskeard Show was an absolute triumph in every department!

As Liskeard Radio Roadshow, we were not just in attendance but had also been given the task of putting together the schedule of performances at the adjacent music stand...which in itself was something of a responsibility.

With a great line-up of performers on offer and a large and appreciative audience supporting us throughout the entire day we were all in for a treat.

A 6am 'wake up' alarm on a Saturday is never particularly welcome but soon both fellow presenter Ken Strange and myself were meeting up, vehicles filled with equipment, and heading off to Merrymeet for our second year.

As we arrived there was a short queue of exhibitors and stewards at the checkpoint who pointed us in the direction of our 'pitch' for the day

We parked up, unloaded the cars and, for a change, we were able to erect our gazebo quite efficiently as opposed to resembling the 'Chuckle Brothers' at work!

A power source is always the main (excuse the pun) priority so with the assistance of committee member Tony Ball, who seemed to be having great fun on his quad bike, and the generator from The Burgers and Doughnuts stand we were able to plug ourselves in ready to set up.

At this time the sky was not as full of blue stuff as it was to become later and so there was concern we might get some precipitation early on....fortunately it wasn't to be.

As we set up I saw a number of classic cars arriving and nestling into rows just beyond our position.....the first three cars I ever owned were represented, indeed in the same colours, each of which seemed so small compared to the hi-tech hybrids or similar we all have now have......these though, we're a wonderful nod at our glorious car-making past and simpler times.

In the distance, beyond the first line of trade stands, was a huge fairground, featuring a giant bouncy castle and rides which were a great attraction for children.

The whole event is amazing and, in terms of expanse, a massive affair including a huge horse ring, an area for poultry and dogs, cattle judging and sheep rings plus the Main Ring itself.

The gates opened at 9am to the footfall of the first visitors and we were already into playing the kind of safe music usually attributed to our breakfast shows.

The first performance of the day was to be members of Sterts Theatre to give us renditions of scenes from their upcoming 'Beast' and 'Finding Nemo' productions.

The cast were, as you'd expect, both enthusiastic and talented and drew admiration from an appreciative audience who were, by now, sitting in glorious sunshine.

Next up was The Huckleberry Finns led by my good buddy Martin McHugh or McQ, as he is known, who gave us an hour of energetic live music which prompted calls for encore to which they duly obliged.

By this time the Music Stage was buzzing with standing room only as we led into our next two performances from the Liskeard Silver Band and Liskeard Community Choir who were at their best with plenty of vocal audience participation.

Many of the food stalls had long queues and, having skipped breakfast, a meaningful lunch option was on our minds.

Ken and I chose the Fish and Chips van and were not disappointed...the cod was not only the best I've had in a while it was a good size and keenly priced...the wait was worth it!

Next up on stage was a delightful young man by the name of Liam Kinsey who won-over the audience with his vocal and guitar talents...not bad for a 14 year old!

The final act of the day was the delightful, and ever-so entertaining, Sharon Ashton who I had stumbled upon two weeks previously at another Liskeard Radio Roadshow event and had managed to find a late space in the schedule for.

Sharon, a former professional singer, moved to Cornwall from Liverpool two years ago and is currently teaching at Looe Community Academy. She has, what she would describe as a typical 'scouse' sense of humour...I'd bet her classes are fun!

It was just before 4pm and whilst the crowds were thinning elsewhere Sharon's vocal abilities and fun seemed to draw all the remaining visitors towards the Music Stage with renditions of timeless female artist anthems including Tina Turner's 'Simply the Best.'

In true Sharon style she teased the Mayor and her consort about their gold chains and had the audience so captivated that a number of them came forward to meet her in true fan style at the end of the performance.

As the sun continued to shine it was time to 'break-down' the equipment and load the cars, and yes, taking the gazebo down had Ken and I struggling to coordinate with the temperamental frame and huge cover...these things always come out of the bag ok so why not go back in easily?

All in all, we were delighted to have been looking after both the Music Stand and to bring along our own Roadshow. We met many lovely people, those we already knew and those we didn't, and many business owners all of whom were very glad to be there.

With that wrapped up, the post-show de-brief will mark the start of preparations for the 2025 event...that's how much effort goes into it!

Sadly, I didn't get chance to venture far from our corner of the show to witness all the other amazing and fun things that went on however, suffice to say, the committee, headed by chairman Colin Dymond and secretary Beckie Breyley did an amazing job in bringing together an event that offered something for everyone and more!

Ploughman's fundraiser

The fabulous Ploughman's Fair will take place on August 17 this year and Friday night saw the fundraising event held at St Martin's Church in Liskeard.

As it was the evening before The Liskeard Show the Liskeard Radio Roadshow were unable to take part in the entertainment, however, it didn't stop the lovely Mrs A and myself going along to see the fab 'Company B' who were headlining with support from The Taylor Trio.

It was a really great night, very well organised and very well attended....thank you to all who supported it.

Upcoming Likeard Radio Roadshow Events:

July 27 to 28 — Jubilation at Pelynt (Jubilee Inn)

August 13 — Ploughman's Fair

August 24 to 25 — Great Trethew Vintage Rally

Finally, we are looking to have a brand new member of our presenting team joining us every Friday at 5pm 'til 7pm...keep your eyes on our social media pages and posts.

Liskeard Radio is a community radio station covering Liskeard, Looe, South East Cornwall and the world on