Rame Peninsula

Male Voice Choir

THE Trussell Trust foodbank in Torpoint is the latest beneficiary of the Rame Peninsula Male Voice Choir.

A cheque for £350 was handed over by choir chairman Jon Kidd to trust representative Sarah Riggs at last week's choir rehearsal in Kingsand. More than a tonne of food and other items including toiletries are distributed weekly by the largely volunteer workforce in Torpoint on the Rame Peninsula.

However an extra 200 family packages were required during mid-term week, to support families who would have no access to meals at school over the holiday. The £350 was raised over the past year, and two identical cheques will shortly be presented to St Petrocs, the Truro-based charity tackling homelessness in Cornwall, and the Rame Community Fund. Cheques for £200 and £150 respectively had already been presented to the Community Hall In Kingsand and Cawsand Congregational Church.

In addition, £4,000 went to the Chestnut appeal at Derriford Oncology from the choir's folk, sea shanty, and 60s rock ensemble, Halfway Harmony. In 2018, the choir was honoured with the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service, for its charitable work - first men's choir in Britain so recognised. They have raised in excess of £250,000 for good causes over 49 years.


Social Club

The annual Ian Chudleigh Memorial Dart Shield was held at Pelynt Social Club. Winners were Tommy Davie and Barrie Evans. Runners-up were Adam Driver and Mark Jefferies.

Trophies were presented by Linda Libby (sister). The amount raised including a generous donation from Polperro Dart's League was £600 for the British Heart Foundation.

The winners and runners-up in the annual Ian Chudleigh Memorial Dart Shield which was held at Pelynt Social Club
The winners and runners-up in the annual Ian Chudleigh Memorial Dart Shield which was held at Pelynt Social Club ( )

Thanks were expressed to Andy Grant, Kate Hudson Lynda Maxwell for making the evening a success.


Methodist Church

March 7 — Food for Thought with Rev Brian Sanders at 9.30am with bacon baps.

March 9 — Sunday service with Norman Rowe at 10am.

March 10 — Meeting for men at 10.30am.


Village Hall

Amenities Bingo Evening will be held on Wednesday, March 12, at Lanreath Village Hall.

Doors open 6.30pm. Eyes down 7.30pm.

Full house prizes include baskets of fruit/chicken/meat dinners. Also first and second line prizes, money game, raffle.

Tea/coffee interval or bar facilities available. Do come and join us all monies raised goes back into the community.

Football Club

The 150 draw results for February are: 1st prize, Holly Catnatch £30; 2nd prize, Marian Gallantry £20; 3rd prize, Steve Sharp £10.

St Ive

Village Hall

On Sunday, March 9, the Unity Methodist morning service will be held at 10.30am.

At St Ive Village Hall, this will be led by Rev Stuart Reed, with Holy Communion.

Fellowship and light refreshments will follow on from the service. All are welcome.

Callington and St Ive

Wesley Guild

Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild will hold their AGM on Monday, March 10, at Callington Methodist Church, this will then be followed by a meal.

This will finish this session of Guild meetings. Held from October through to March. Advance notice.

St Ive Parish Church

Lent Lunches will be held at the church on the following dates.

To be held on Fridays, March 14, 28 and April 11.

All will start at noon, with homemade soup. All welcome.


St Melor’s Church

Weekday service held only on a Monday at 10am.

Sunday, March 9 - Holy Communion at 11am.

At the end of a service at St Melor’s Church in Linkinhorne recently it was a sad farewell.

to Lay Minister, Gaynor Sutton, husband Nick and their dog Hector who also attended the services, as they move to Norfolk to be nearer family. On completion of her training she has secured the position as curate there.

At the end of the service on January 26 there were light refreshments and a presentation on behalf of her friends from St Melor’s and St Paul’s, Lay Minister, Roy Cooper presented Gaynor with a silver Celtic cross with thanks for her friendship and help in the parish with good wishes for her new ventures. She will be greatly missed.

St Paul’s Church

Sunday, March 9 — Informal worship at 10am.

1st Linkinhorne Scouts

The Beavers had an active few weeks when they have talked about the ‘Science Badge’ which can be achieved, enjoyed games, made a teddy zip wire — no teddies injured! They also made volcanoes.

The Cubs have been learning the various knots and their uses whilst the other groups have started on their Mechanics Badge, and supervised games for the younger ones. Report by Sarah Doney PRO.


United Church

Thursday, March 6 — 2pm, Knit & Knatter

Sunday, March 9 — 9.30am, morning service.

Tuesday, March 11 — 11am, Warm Space.



Coffee Morning at the Chapel and Community Room on Saturday, March 8, 10.30am to noon.

All funds raised to be donated to Crohn’s & Colitis UK.


Women’s Institute

President Barbara Brimacombe welcomed everyone to the meeting including our guest speaker Tom Harvey who gave a talk on life in the 70s living in Plymouth.

Firstly he showed us a couple of short films. The first film showed the newly rebuilt City Centre and it was interesting to see how it compared with how the City Centre looks now. Regarding the Barbican area very little has changed.

Devonport Dockyard which was built in the 1600s was the main employer within the city in the 70s with over 15,000 employees. One in five men who lived in the city worked in the dockyard. Plymouth was definitely a thriving city in the 70s. The second film was a film promoting the South West and all it has to offer. Very enjoyable films to watch and it was good to reminisce.

We are going to do a coffee morning in the Cornerstone Church on July 5 between 9.30am and 11.30am.

The annual Lions Fayre will be held on July 19 in which we will be providing a stall.

The WI group meeting will be held on April 12 at the Wilcove Hall between 11am and 2.30pm.


Flowers — 1st Sue Hale, 2nd Sandy Luscombe, 3rd Jean Morgan.

Letter J — 1st Sylvia White, 2nd Carina Davis, 3rd Jean Morgan.

The next meeting will be held on March 26 in the Church Hall at 7.30pm when the guest speaker will be talking about The Fair Arm of the Law. Everyone is welcome


Women’s Institute

We were welcomed to our February meeting by Pam Potterton secretary who went through minutes of last meeting and board headlines and notices.

The speaker was Mr Mark Camp who gave us a very fascinating talk on ‘Stags, Hens and Honeymoons’. The talk was quite inspiring and very detailed with interesting slides from old new reels and photographs from many very old newspapers. He completely enthralled us by his knowledge and how these quaint customs began in the stone age, and followed through every period of time from the Romans to present day, and how it has changed over that period of time, to what it is today. The ladies were fascinated and we all now have a very different conception of how it is today, compared to the centuries before.

Ladies that lunch next meeting will be on March 10 at noon at the Ploughboy, Saltash. The next WI meeting will be a visit to to the Park Crematorium in Plymouth, bus pick up will be 10am at Saltash Leisure Centre on Tuesday, March 18.

Winners of the competition 'Photo of you and your best Friend' were, joint first, Heather Kitt and Margaret Temple, and joint second Heather Sammels, Pauline Newman and Angela Webber.

Winners of the 'Posy from your garden' were: 1st Angela Webber, 2nd Heather Kitt, joint 3rd Hilary Green and Margaret Temple.

New members are always very welcome, Come and join us every third Tuesday of the month at 7pm in Saltash Baptist Church.