Bronn Wenneli: Bronn – rounded hill, Gwenneli – swallows

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Bronn Wenneli yw bre Woon Brenn gans hanow didhanus yn Sowsnek. Mes an hanow Kernewek, Bronn Wenneli, yw moy bardhonek. Bronn a styr bre rondys, ha Wenneli a dheu dyworth an ger Kernewek gwenili.

Brown Willy is a hill on Bodmin Moor with an amusing name in English. But the Cornish name, Bronn Wenneli, is more poetic. Bronn means a rounded hill and Wenneli comes from the Cornish word for swallows. So Bronn Wenneli means hill of swallows.

Ytho Bronn Wenneli a styr bre wenili. Byttegyns yma nebes tus a lever bos styryans an hanow yn terowel bronn ughella. Yn hwir, barr Bronn Wenneli, orth 420m a-ugh nivel an mor, yw bleyn an moyha ughel war Woon Brenn hag yn Kernow yn tien.

However, some people say the name might originally have meant highest hill - bronn ughella. In truth, the summit of Brown Willy at 420m above sea level is the highest point on Bodmin Moor and in Cornwall as a whole.

The summit of Brown Willy - the highest point in Cornwall
The summit of Brown Willy - the highest point in Cornwall (Kirstie Newton)

Bronn Wenneli yw meurgerys gans kerdhoryon rag an gwelyow ha bernyow koynt an veyn growan. Yma ponyans dyworth Tavern Jamaica bys Bronn Wenneli pub bledhen orth Kalen Genver.

Brown Willy is popular with walkers for the views and the strange piles of granite boulders. There is a run from Jamaica Inn to Brown Willy every year on New Year’s Day.

An Rosweyth is a community organisation which exists to promote the use of the Cornish language. For further information, visit