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Public Notices
Commissioner 'frustrated' as cost of three chief constables revealed
Liskeard residents to benefit from improved access to local police
Commissioner not impressed she was left out of authority discussions
Commissioner says Force will be 'relentless' in pursuit against crime
Public praised as Operation Snap hits over 20,000 submissions
Policing team demonstrates their commitment to road users in region
Significant improvement in 999 and 101 service in Devon and Cornwall
Deputy police and crime commissioner resigns
Commissioner highlights policing successes in end of year review
Police Commissioner says appointment would be welcomed by residents of the region
Interim police chief to be announced by end of the week
Drivers urged to make a 'no drink' resolution
Latest road casualty figures released for Devon and Cornwall
Devon and Cornwall Police launch consultation into local policing
Police make significant improvement in handling of 999 and 101 calls
Police launch scheme to remove zombie knives from the streets
Police launch scheme to take zombie knives off the streets
Police commissioner condemns ‘inexcusable’ Plymouth violence
Funds for extra security for town’s summer season
Its ability to investigate crime effectively was judged as inadequate
Extra support for those at risk of abuse during Euro tournament
Police issue plea to drivers following 17 serious collisions
Alison Hernandez wins third term as Police and Crime Commissioner
Police launch national anti-corruption and abuse reporting service
'Met with neighbouring MP to discuss Tamar Crossings tolls'
Resource helps victims through the criminal justice process
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