By Sue Wenmoth


THE Scratch cups were played for in tough conditions with strong gusty winds and intermittent rain at the end of May, but there still several entrants with the winners as follows:

Silver Division: Winner – Louisa McCartney – 85; Runner-up – Sam Peach – 86; 3 Debbie Flanagan – 88.

Bronze Division: Winner – Wendy Phillips – 95; Runner-up – Cathryn Braithwaite – 101; 3 Linda Radley – 104.

The Anniversary Rose Bowl is organised by the secretary – Wendy Phillips, and is also a day to raise money for her chosen charity, The Alzheimer’s Society.

There was also a raffle with gifts donated by the ladies and Wendy. It is always amazing how the ladies bring a prize and then buy numerous tickets to win a raffle prize!

An amazing £300 was raised, while the winners were as follows: 

18-hole competition winner: Sue Wenmoth – 34pts (c/b); Runner-up – Karen Cook – 34pts; Nine-hole competition winner: Hazel Beadle – 18pts.