By Kevin Marriott


Brixham 1 Saltash United 0

A CHARLIE Johansen goal six minutes from time won the game to complete a miserable night for Saltash at Wall Park.

The Ashes were more than a match for their South Devon opponents but were unable to convert chances into goals.

And Saltash manager Macca Brown was left very unhappy with referee Matt Arthur, who handed him a red card for two yellows, the first of which came after only four minutes.

Brown said: “I’ve never been one to use this as a platform to hammer referees, so I won’t start now; however, last night was a very difficult one to stomach.

“Even the reassurance from Pete Sowden, who was the referees’ assessor, after the game that it was nowhere near a Level Four referee performance, doesn’t even really soften the blow to be honest.”

Brown went on: “It’s a relentless schedule, last night was our 13th game in a little over 50 days, so a game every three or four days and we are feeling it physically as a squad.

“Four of our last five have been away and four of our next six are also away, eight out of 11 games being away from home in itself is a farce as far as the scheduling is concerned and places extra demands on everyone, especially midweek, but to then have the night ruined by things that are completely out of our control leaves you wondering what is the point. 

“At least against Portishead we were rubbish, we got what we deserved, but last night that was far from the case.

“It was more like recent efforts at Oldland and Ilfracombe, and I thought it was an excellent away performance; Brixham is a tough place to go and we seemed to do enough for a point.”