By Keith Field

St Mellion Golf Club Seniors ‘The Fossils’ - latest news

WITH the Kernow course in tip-top condition, the players contesting this year’s Pairs Betterball competition made hay in glorious weather. 

The recent heavy rain had made the greens more receptive and was reflected in the scoring. 

Twenty-nine pairs took part with each player receiving 85% of their handicap which tested everybody.

There were plenty of good scores recorded with early leaders, Phil Macey and Colin Marshall posting 41 points but that score was soon eclipsed with no less than three teams scoring 42 points and requiring countback to separate them.

However, that excellent total did fall as winners Mike Tamblin and Stan Bennett came home with an outstanding 43 points. It seems that the pair were teamed up at the last moment giving them no time to develop any strategy for playing in true Fossil fashion unlike the other teams who had chosen their partners.

After the sequence of qualifying comps of late, the Fossils can anticipate a fun day next week but then the following week, a white tee competition for the Veteran’s Trophy.

The top five were: 1 Stan Bennett and Mike Tamblin – 43; 2 Will Carslaw and Stan Serwata – 42; 3 Guy Pennington and Ian Edwards – 42; 4 Mike Page and Pete Mehigan – 42; 5 Ted Ahier and Phil Cuming – 41.

Although competing in the Trophy, a tie in the first round of the Summer 4BBB Knockout event was also held.

Octogenarian John Eccles, and his youthful partner Brian Pound met the challenge of Marc Nash and Alec Brannan and walked off with the spoils, 4&3. 

Alas their team score did not feature near to the leaderboard, and they even had to concede a better team score to their opponents, but match play is a far different beast to a stableford!