A VILLAGE in Cornwall could get 90 new homes. A new planning application has been submitted by Westcountry Land & Homes to build the properties, which would include 23 affordable dwellings if approved.
The developer’s outline planning application to Cornwall Council also includes access and landscaping on an enclosed site to the west of Victoria Road in Roche.
A supporting statement said: “The application site has excellent accessibility and connectivity in terms of walking, cycling and the public transport network. It is considered that the proposed development is well related to the built form of Roche and therefore lies in a highly sustainable location.”
The site near St Austell measures approximately 3.14 hectares (7.76 acres) and comprises arable land near Victoria Road which is roughly split into four equal size fields, separated by a Cornish hedge.
The affordable housing mix is aimed at contributing to the housing need in the parish of Roche, which currently shows 115 households on the register. The layout and design of the affordable housing have the same palette of materials as the open market housing. The proposed dwellings are two storey although there is a three-storey block comprising nine flats with a flat roof.
A supporting statement says: “The proposed development in Roche embodies a well-considered and contextually responsive design, thoughtfully addressing the site’s unique constraints and opportunities. By retaining and enhancing natural features such as the existing hedge banks and the gentle site gradient, the scheme achieves seamless integration into the surrounding landscape while preserving ecological value and ensuring privacy for neighbouring properties.
“The development comprises 90 dwellings designed with a traditional scale and pitched roof forms, reflecting a contemporary interpretation of Roche’s agricultural and mining heritage.”
For more details see application PA25/00472 on Cornwall Council’s planning portal. planning.cornwall.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?keyVal=SQG4HEFGG7X00&activeTab=summary