This weekend I [Neil/Wal] have been playing around with a new (to me) camera lens, sent to me by one of my oldest and dearest friends, Martin Christopher. 

Martin is a professional photographer who resides in Whitstable, when he isn’t gadding around the globe taking photos, and makes his living from this trade. As a keen amateur photographer, myself, and under the sometime tutelage of Martin I have gradually improved my photography in areas that would otherwise have me bogged down in jargon and endless tutorials that may or may not be relevant. From the heady days of 35mm film, photography has progressed to enable the photographer to take a multitude of images, check images ‘on the fly’, edit as he or she goes, and load the finished results into a plethora of available software programs to create a finished masterpiece.

My good friend, Martin, still insists, however, that getting your image as “close to perfect in camera” is the mark of a good photographer, and this is what the majority of us strive to do…struggling with moving images, changing light, unwanted backgrounds, shutter speeds and aperture settings to mention just a few things that make using a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera, a challenging but fantastically rewarding process.

Hopefully, you can see what I am trying to say here. There is a saying in the music industry, that you don’t really like a band unless you know who the bass player is. Obviously, this is a flippant statement, as it is meant to be. We all know some truly inspirational bass players, but also can nod sagely as we name the vocalist, guitarist and drummer in plenty of bands.

But one of the true ‘unsung heroes’ of the music industry doesn’t even get to play an instrument at all…not even the bass. They don’t get to soak up the adoration (hopefully) of the crowd, and they don’t get asked to perform an encore.

Curiously, though, when you scroll through your smart phone, log onto Facebook, share your experiences of the band you saw over the weekend, or want to show someone how great the singer was that you saw in the pub, it is this person that you turn to. Yes, the photographer finally has their moment in the sun!

But like that girl or guy at the back of the stage that has a weird looking guitar with not enough strings on it, I bet you still don’t know who they are.

At Phluid Mansions, we have written time and again of some the outstanding local bands and musicians we have been fortunate enough to speak with or work alongside; so, we won’t go on about that here. Suffice to say that we would like to raise a glass to all those guys and girls who turn out at all times, in all weathers to allow everyone to see those performances that they would otherwise miss through their impressive skill behind the viewfinder.

There are way too many to mention here, and we have linked this article to an insta post to let just a few know that they are appreciated.

From someone who is always striving to improve their pictures in any way possible…I salute you.

James Booth, Ellie Beckett, Martha Hosk, Mel Peters, Sean Larkin, Mathew Hawkey, Tj Tiptoes, Nick Western, Scott Williams, Andy Bilwizz, Mike Pitches, Ruby Light, Alex Toze, Emma Mac and so many more.

If you know one of them, pick it up, pass it on and share the moment.

Phluid Records. Join the dialogue, not the narrative.
