THIS week saw a historic change in the political landscape of South East Cornwall, as for the first time in its history, the Labour party claimed the seat.  

South East Cornwall’s Labour candidate made even more history by becoming the first from the party to ever win in the constituency’s history.  

Anna Gelderd was elected with 15,670 votes, taking the seat from longstanding Conservative MP, Sheryll Murray at 13,759.   

Following the announcement of her success, Ms Gelderd took to the stage in Bodmin to give her acceptance speech.  

Speaking to parties, press and officials, she said: “Thank you for putting your trust in me, and in a changed Labour party to rebuild our country and deliver the fresh start that South East Cornwall needs.  

“I’d like to pay a heartfelt tribute to my fellow candidates, especially Sheryll Murray, who has served this constituency for 14 years and politics is not always easy.  

“Although we may disagree about the ways to deliver improvements, we’re each trying to make things better for the people and the communities that we care about.  

“Finally, the most important thank you is to the wonderful people of South East Cornwall who have put their trust in me. I know there are many people who have visited Labour for the first time at this election and many of you have lent me your vote, so my message to you is, I will do everything I can to deliver the change you have voted for. You’ve told me that you want better transport links, more teachers, and to fix the housing crisis. You have told me that we must end the cost of living crisis and create jobs in industries like Cornish renewables, and you’ve told me that we must get the NHS back on its feet. I will not let you down.  

“Today we make history with our first ever Labour MP here in South East Cornwall.  

“I will spend every day fighting for our fair share, the fair share you deserve. 

“Whether you live in a town or a village, make a living on a farm, from the sea, or in an office, I will represent each of you and be the fresh start here.  

“The hard work starts now. I promise to work tirelessly in your interests and represent the community in Westminster.”

Following the result, former MP Ms Murray said: “It has been the greatest honour of my life to have represented my home constituency of South East Cornwall in the mother of Parliaments for the last 14 years.

“I am eternally grateful to the people of South East Cornwall for electing me on four successful occasions. Sadly, a fifth success was out of reach. I would like to thank all those who helped with the campaign and for all the good wishes people have sent since the election.”

She added: “I have no regrets. I know that my staff have also served this constituency selflessly and I want to put on record my thanks to them all.”