Lanivet – Lanneves
Lann – Enclosure, Neves– Personal name
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Lanneves yw treveglos yn Kernow Gogledh. Yn termyn eus passyes an fordh veur, A30, eth der an treveglos. Yma tour eglos koth yn Lanneves, hag yn 1878 yth esa hwegh klogh y’n tour.
Lanivet is a village in North Cornwall. In the past the main road, the A30, went through the village. There is an old church tower in Lanivet, and in 1878 there were six bells in the church tower.
Yma dew hen grows ven y’n gorflan. Yma onan y’n kres Kernow poran del yw brederys. Yma unnek krows ven erel a-dro an bluw herwydh awtour hag arbenniger Andrew Langdon (Dyffresyas Crowsow y hanow bardhek).
There are two ancient stone crosses in the churchyard, one is thought to be in the exact centre of Cornwall. There are 11 other stone crosses around the parish according to author Andrew Langdon (his bardic name is Protector of Crosses).
Y teuth dhe Lanneves Thomas Hardy yn mis Est 1872. Wosa henna ev a skrifas bardhonek henwys “Ogas Lanneves”. Yn dydhyow ma ogas dhe dhew vil den a drig yn Lanneves.
Thomas Hardy came to Lanivet in August 1872. After that he wrote a poem called “Near Lanivet”. These days there are almost two thousand people living in Lanivet.
An Rosweyth is a community organisation which exists to promote the use of the Cornish language
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