Helston – Hellys
From Hel – Hall, Lys – Court
what3words: catchers.drivers.song
Hellys yma tre marhas istorek in Kernow soth adro try mildir dheworth an mor. Mytern John a wrug grauntya dhedhy Chartour Rial in 1201, hag awosa hedna esa burjestra frank gans cort ha danjer. Chartour secund in 1336 a wrug grauntya an dre marhas pub seythen ha peswar fer yn bledhednek.
Helston is a historic market town in south Cornwall about three miles from the sea. King John granted it a Royal Charter in 1201 and after that it was a free borough with a court and jurisdiction. A second charter in 1336 granted the town a market every week and four fairs annually.
Gerys yw hy rag “Dedh Furry” in mis Me yn bledhednek, gool istorek gans peswar dauns stret tradycyonal hag an “Hal an Tow”, gool Keltek yw gans can tradycyonal ha fygurs havel Myhal Sans, Peran, an Jowl hag erel. Lies den a wra vysytya an dre war’n dedh-na.
It is famous for Flora Day in May annually, a historic festival with four traditional street dances and the “Hal an Tow”, a traditional Celtic festival with a traditional song and figures like St Michael, Saint Piran the Devil and others. Many people visit the town on that day.
Ogas an dre yma sol Morlu Rial, RNAS Culdrose yw henwys ev. Yma lies marner ena hag an dre y’s teves kevrednow ogas gansans y hag aga theyluyow.
Near the town is a Royal Navy base called RNAS Culdrose. There are many sailors there and the town has close links with them and their families.
An Rosweyth is a community organisation which exists to promote the use of the Cornish language. For further information, visit www.speakcornish.com