The new weekly food waste and fortnightly recycling and rubbish collections will roll out in our area in October. Every household should have received a leaflet and the new bins will begin to be delivered in August. The new service will bring us in line with current regulations and will enable the CERN (Incinerator) to work more efficiently and encourage us to recycle more. Local walk-in face-to-face event September 5 from 10am to 1pm at Chy Trevail. Full information at

I wish to extend my congratulations to Ben Maguire, his husband and family on his selection as Member of Parliament for North Cornwall.

We now have a Labour government who has already declared they will reimpose building targets on Councils and reduce/remove rights of public consultation, thus putting our open countryside, green spaces, wildlife, and farmland under threat. We have a very sound Cornwall Local Plan that has worked to protect our precious wildlife and open countryside and I am fearful this will be pushed aside to impose overdevelopment without any thought to how we will cope with our already oversubscribed roads, schools, hospitals, waste treatment and surgeries. We have already built a high number of houses within Bodmin, in sustainable areas and have made efforts to keep those numbers to a manageable level. I fear this will all be thrown out of the window. Labours’ manifesto is clear it will be working towards Regional devolution and Regional Mayors. This is not something I welcome as our previous public consultation showed Cornwall had no appetite for a Mayor for Cornwall let alone a Regional Mayor for the Southwest. Council is working on a White Paper for Cornwall which will be looking to preserve the Cornish identity and getting the best deal for our residents

All these things will touch our lives and be assured I will be there to do what I think is right for our community.

Following information from a town councillor I was informed by South West Water that some large new filters are being delivered to Scarlet Well WTW. These will enable an increase in process capacity. There may be some local disruption during the delivery but should be short lived. Evidently there has been a considerable amount of road closures in Bodmin (with no doubt more to come) which has created some ‘rat runs’ around the town. Can I make a plea to motorists to drive with due care and attention around these lanes.

To finish on a very positive note. The last round of Levelling Up Funds, and Community Capacity Fund awards were completed at the end of March and I am pleased to say we have had nearly £3-million of funds coming in to the Bodmin and Camel Valley area (with still more to be agreed). You can view the list of successful bids here Home - Shared Prosperity Fund ( Labour Government has discontinued funding the Levelling Up programme and we have written to the new Government seeking clarity about the future intention to continue this very valuable way of enabling local business, charities and CIC to bid for their projects which have ultimately benefited so many residents.

On Monday I will be at the opening of the relocatable MRI unit at Bodmin Hospital this is part of the recently completed community diagnostic centre. It will take approximately 7,000 scans annually and enable the NHS to offer more care closer to home for Bodmin residents.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any matters regarding Cornwall Council.

Cllr Jennifer Cruse Lanivet, Blisland and Bodmin St Lawrence