I’m happy to say that this last week has been one of my busiest yet, and I’ve been fighting on all fronts in your name, on several key issues that affect us all here in North Cornwall.

First, many of you have expressed concerns about the cancellation of the National Express 503 service between London and Penzance. This route was a crucial transport link for areas like Launceston, which lacks other reliable transport options.

I’ve launched a campaign in Parliament to push for the reinstatement of the service and am urging National Express to consider additional routes that would serve other underserved areas, such as Bodmin, Bude, and Wadebridge. This service is vital for residents and visitors alike, and I’m calling on the government to ensure that rural areas like ours aren’t left isolated. I will keep you posted on my progress, including the submission of an Early Day Motion to bring this issue into Parliament.

I also spoke with ITV News West Country this week about the impact this cancellation will have on our community. Limited travel options and very high train fares (as I’m sure many of you have experienced firsthand) are real problems for the constituency, and I’m determined to push for better transport links for our county as a whole.

Another issue I’m continuing to tackle is the government’s plan to cut the Winter Fuel Payment for pensioners. In a BBC Radio Cornwall interview this week, I highlighted how these cuts could force our elderly residents to choose between heating their homes and affording basic necessities - and with a vote this coming Wednesday, me & my Liberal Democrat colleagues are on the side of pensioners. They’ve worked for decades, paying into the system, only to now be abandoned by the Government.

On a slightly more positive note, I’m proud to announce that there has been some progress regarding our fight against sewage dumping. New anti-pollution laws are set to come in & hold water company executives responsible, including the possibility of jail time - but while these reforms are a start, I believe that they certainly won’t do enough. I will be pushing the government to go further, and having been in regular contact with South West Water, I will ensure that they are continually held to account.

Finally, I had the privilege of visiting the new KBSK youth centre in Bodmin. This fantastic facility, driven by the dedication of Adie and her team, offers a safe and supportive environment for young people. Their grand opening on Saturday seemed to be a great success, and I’m very proud to have an organisation on my patch undertaking such important work for the good of the community.

Ben Maguire

Liberal Democrat MP for North Cornwall