A NEW name has been added to the freeman board of honour at Saltash Guildhall.

The ceremonial unveiling took place on July 25 to uncover the latest name to be inscribed on the board in the town council chamber - Robert Austin - better known in the town as Bob.

The new freeman was also awarded an honorary illuminated scroll which are typically only presented to individuals or groups for exemplary service to their community.

In January the council put out a notice calling for nominations for an honorary freeman; someone who had made a substantial contribution to the town. When the nomination was put to the full council meeting, the vote for Bob was unanimous.

Mayor at the time, Cllr Richard Bickford said: “Bob is a very worthy recipient of this exceptional award, and having worked alongside Bob for many years I know how dedicated he is. 

“He is always open to new ideas and is naturally a welcoming person making him such an asset to many organisations across Saltash.”

Bob served not only as a town councillor but also on Cornwall and Caradon District Councils until retiring in 2017, with his years of service speaking volumes about his dedication to public service, according to Cllr Bickford who presented him with the Freeman of the Town award at a civic award service in April at Saltash Baptist Church. 

He served as mayor of Saltash in 2007, and during his time on the council saw many projects implemented which have shaped the town: from the extension of the graveyard at St Stephens to the new town council burial site and allotments, to work securing the 25-year lease on Churchtown Farm; a favourite green destination for dog walkers on the outskirts of the town, along the river Lynher, which Bob acknowledged in his acceptance speech: “Where would we be today without Churchtown Farm on our doorsteps”. He remains chair of the friends of Churchtown Farm community nature reserve to this day.

His volunteering has also extended to other enterprises and organisations in the town - he was a founding director of Community Enterprises PL12, and founder member and still active trustee of The Core youth and community centre which celebrates its 10th anniversary next year. 

In his acceptance speech Bob thanked the council for the award, and his wife Jackie for her unstinting support.

He told all present: “I couldn’t have done any of my work in the town without you all here. 

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’d also like to thank Jackie who had a lot to put up with!

“Saltash is at the centre of all our hearts here. A town to be proud of and envied. It’s always in my heart.”