IT is a sad day for Liskeard Town Council as they mourn the lose of their deputy mayor.

It is with great sadness that members of the council reported the passing of deputy mayor Cllr Julian Smith.

Cllr Simon Cassidy said on behalf of Liskeard Town Council: “It is a sad day for the council and for the town as a whole. Julian dedicated his life to public service having served both as a councillor and formerly as chair of governors at Hillfort School. He was a wise counsel and loyal friend to all who knew him and will be sorely missed.”

Cllr Smith was only recently elected as deputy during the mayor choosing ceremony in May.

He moved to Liskeard with his wife in December 2017 from Buckinghamshire having previously holidayed in the county for 30 years prior with their three children. 

In 2019, Cllr Smith became a member of Liskeard Town Council. He had been the chair of the facilities committee, the parks and open spaces committee, the CCTV Working Party, the Liskeard Chamber of Commerce and the South East Cornwall Conservative Association.

Cllr Smith also worked with the Liskeard Traders’ Association and others in the town to seek improvements which could make the town more attractive to shoppers and investors. Until recently, Cllr Smith also sat as the chair of governors at Liskeard Hillfort Primary School having helped guide them to their Ofsted ‘Good’ rating.

Cllr Cassidy added: “Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this difficult time.”