TWO youth organisations in Saltash have received substantial funding from Saltash Town Council.

Livewire and The Core have been awarded just shy of £30,000 each to support the professional youth work they undertake in the town. 

Chairman of Saltash Town Council, Cllr Julia Peggs said: “I have seen the amazing work that both organisations deliver in the town and thank them for the service they provide.”

The funding for the 2024/25 financial year reflects a 7.3 percent increase on the 2023/24 budget. The town council budget was already increased by £10,000 in 2022 in recognition of the increased pressures on working with young people - particularly post Covid. 

Charlotte Carpenter, youth work coordinator/centre manager at The Core said: “The Core would like to say a big thank you for the generous donation from Saltash Town Council, which is enabling us to continue to offer young people with a safe space to meet, take part in activities and access professional youth workers.”

“Livewire is delighted and extremely grateful for the funding from Saltash Town Council to support our work with local young people,” said youth work coordinator at the Livewire Youth Music Project, Andy Rance.