Rotary Club
On Monday, February 24, The Rotary Club of Looe Valley was pleased to welcome Kelly Tregaskis who gave a very interesting talk on Cornwall Hospice Care.
The president David Bunt, presented her with a £1,000 cheque towards their care costs from monies raised in different ways but especially through collections at Morrisons in Liskeard, over recent months.
The club expressed its thanks to Morrisons for its facilities to collect and its customers for their generosity in donating to this worthy cause.
At the same meeting, David was pleased to welcome Mr Stephen Harris, of Looe, as a new member, whose occupation is automobile services.
A spokesperson said: “We would love to hear from you, if you are interested and we will be pleased to meet and explain what we do.”
Methodist Church
Following a highly successful inaugural meeting the newly-formed Methodist Women in Britain group in South East Cornwall are looking to grow its numbers and build on its early momentum.
With a mission to unite, inspire and support women within Methodist community, the group offers a welcoming space for fellowship, faith and shared purpose.

The first gathering at the Callington Methodist Church, which was headed up by the Rev Alison Richardson and Bren Stuart-White (Cornwall MWiB President), saw an enthusiastic turnout, sparking excitement for future events, projects and opportunities to make a difference.
The next event will be their MWiB District Day at the Saltash Wesley Methodist Church on Wednesday, May 14 from 10am to 4pm.
St Cleer
Cleerway Community Church
Cleerway Community Church is meeting on Sunday morning at The Memorial Hall, Well Lane, St Cleer PL14 5EA at 9.45am for breakfast.
Communion service starts at 10.30am. All are welcome, irrespective of belief or church background.
For more information visit www.cleerway.org.uk
St Melor’s Church
Weekday service on Mondays only for morning prayer at 10am.
Sunday, March 23 — morning prayer at 11am.
St Paul’s Church
Sunday, March 23 — ‘Meet & Eat’ breakfast at the Cross Link Centre, Upton Cross at 10am.
Parish hall (Upton Cross)
The recent Horse Racing evening was a huge success raising a great total of £460 for hall funds. Thanks are expressed to the local businesses who sponsored the horses, to all those who helped in various ways during the evening, to everyone who sponsored a horse and attended the fun evening.
Hopefully the monthly film night will soon return as soon as Cfylm are back and running again to offer the usual entertaining night at the movies.
Looking ahead there will be a Table Top Sale on Saturday, April 5, from 10.30am to 12.30pm. Book early to secure a table as booking is essential via [email protected]
Micro library
Opening times: At the Parish Hall, Upton Cross — Thursday and Fridays 2pm to 4pm.
Also open every third Tuesday during the coffee morning 10.30am to noon. The next being on March 18.
Jumble sale
This will take place on Saturday, March 22, in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross from 1pm to 3pm for church repairs. There will be a raffle and refreshments, entry 20p and cash only event please. Contacts for more info via Sarah Doney 01579 362602 or Michelene Norris 01579 363515.
St Pinnock
Connon Methodist Church
March 21 — ‘Food for Thought’ with Rev Robert Saunders at 10am with bacon baps.
March 23 — Sunday service to be arranged at 10am.
United Church
Thursday, March 20 — 2pm, Knit & Knatter.
Sunday, March 23 — 9.30am, morning service.
Tuesday, March 25 — 11am, Warm Space.
Callington and St Ive Wesley Guild
The Guild finished this current session of meetings, with their AGM, on Mon 10th March. It has been a good variety of Speakers, music and social evenings. And the Guild has been able to make donations to the Charities that came. Good suggestions were given for the next session which will begin on Mon 6th Oct 2025. The evening finished with the Guild members and friends sharing a very nice two course meal.
St Ive
Unity Methodist
The next Unity Methodist morning service will take place on Sunday, March 23, at St Ive Village Hall, starting at 10.30am. This will be led by Julian Langston. All are welcome.
St Ive Parish Church
Lent Lunches to be held in the church on Friday, March 28 and Friday, April 11.
From noon till 2pm. Come and share with home made soups and bread.
Women’s Institute
A huge selection of upcoming activities were discussed and arranged – something for everyone – walking, sewing, celebration dinner dates, meetings, resolutions, competitions, visits and so much more took up the business part of the March meeting. Birthday wishes and flowers for this month were given to Janet Sheer, Elaine Burden, Vi Gold, Jenny Rendle, Mary Yates, Gill Pascoe and Alison Grimes.

Members then welcomed Dave Thompson, from Cornwall Lifeskills, who recalled his time on the police force, including being a Pensilva community officer back in the 90s. Since retiring after 30 years serving Cornwall, he set up a company offering first aid training to a wide range of places across the south west. He told us the history of the Resusci – Anne; how it came about from the tragic death of the son of a toy company owner, who stopped making toys to ‘make something that brought life back’. He also explained the origins of the face of the models now used – a pretty gruesome tale but very interesting!
Dave demonstrated CPR techniques and answered questions, interweaving these with real life tales. Members were allowed to practise the methods for CPR on adult and baby size dolls. A demonstration of a defibrillator proved very interesting and made members feel more confident about their use. The outcome for the patient’s survival increases greatly if one of these is on hand to use. The key message is that to do something in an emergency is better than to do nothing. He was thanked for giving everyone information and for dispelling some of the myths and fears about emergency situations.
March competition winners:
Walking stick: 1st Frances Tucker; 2nd Jenny Rendle; 3rd Jill Pascoe.
Flower of the month: 1st Alison Willis; 2nd Jill Pascoe; 3rd Mary Yates.
Pensilva WI are still collecting used stamps for CFWI.
Next meeting: Wednesday, April 9, 7.15pm - Craig Laing from Devon & Cornwall Police Cyber Crime Unit.
Women’s Institute
After 65 years Altarnun Women’s Institute has had to close. It was a very sad day on March 6, when the members met in Altarnun Village Hall to take the steps necessary to put our WI into suspension.
This is done so that our funds etcetera, are given over to Cornwall Federation of Women’s Institutes (CFWI) who will hold them for three years in the hope that during that time someone may start up another WI in our area and it would then have the benefit of our funds to help start them off.
The WI advisor, Helen Kestle, along with her colleague Gill Trew, attended the meeting so that Helen could take us through the necessary procedure. It didn’t seem to take very long, and then it was done. Our president, Kate Sibborn, thanked the members for supporting the WI for so long, and the officers and committee members for all their work over the years.
We then had our refreshments while Helen and Gill departed, and then we had a talk on “Peter’s Puppets” from Peter Allen.
It was such a lovely way to close our final meeting of Altarnun WI on such a happy note and having had a real fun evening. Peter was given a very enthusiastic vote of thanks.