MORE than 150 Bodmin College students and Wildworks Theatre company took over a vintage railway station on Friday (July 26) for a compelling new production ‘Departures and Arrivals’.

The drama took place across Bodmin Railway’s platform and inside four carriages as the train went up and down the tracks on an emotional journey.

In two back-to-back performances on the last day of college term, an audience of around 250 were captivated by the unfolding action, travelling from Bodmin Station to Boscarne Junction and back again.

To create the production, real-life stories were woven together by the college’s Year 9 students who spoke with many people in and around the historic town to collect their memories.

Working with Wildworks - Britain’s leading landscape theatre company - they had invaluable help from volunteers at the railway.

The production is one of a multitude of Wildworks-led activities under the banner Hello Stranger, part of an overall programme We are Shining – the biggest theatre engagement programme ever staged in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

We are Shining is backed by a £995,000 investment from the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth Programme managed by Cornwall Council and funded by the government’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The college’s head of drama, Alison Dures, said: “For the students to have the chance to work with so many professional artists in a wonderful landscape setting like this has been phenomenal.

“It’s been a brilliant collaboration with Wildworks. It has sparked the students’ imaginations and helped them develop a wealth of skills which they can take with them through life.”

Sarah Waller, talent development producer for Wildworks, said: “Working with Alison and the team and so many talented students has been an amazing, fun-filled adventure.

“Being part of a process that inspires our amazing young people to think about the rich creativity in Cornwall is essential in building the talent pipeline we need to continue to thrive as a word-class theatre company.”

The collaboration was by led by Alison Dures, with drama teacher Sarah Frith, head of art Jo Pinhey, art teachers Amanda Greenwood, Holly Clements and Sarah McColl, head of music Ben Vincent, music teacher Jen Wren, head of dance Suzi Groom, head of media Emma Macdonald, and head of construction Paul Hickey, with Ben Cavalera working with the team from Wildworks including Sarah Waller, Kyla Goodey, Rob Mennear, Alessandra Ausenda, Vicky Abbott, Anna-Maria Murphy and Roger Luxton.

It was an especially poignant day for Alison Dures as she was retiring as a teacher after a 40-year career, with 26 years spent at the college. There were glowing tributes and a song in her honour on the platform at the journey’s end.