MORE than 100 people attended a meeting on plans for a new shop in their community.

Harrowbarrow and Metherell’s Village shop and Post Office will close next year when owners Adrian and Mandy Parkes retire after 25 years.

Much enthusiasm was shown at the meeting, said Karen Bennett, who together with Cllr Tracy Ledger, organised the public event at the village hall.

“Councillor Jim Wakem kindly chaired the meeting for us, and we also had Cllrs Jim Flashman and Terry Letchford from Calstock Parish Council,” she said.

“It was unanimous that we wanted to maintain a shop in the village, and preferably a Post Office that is open everyday as opposed to once a week.

“A number of people contacted us privately before the meeting and confirmed they would support the shop and also offered to join the group to make it happen.”

Karen said that the operating model for the community shop is yet to be decided – but it’s hoped the facility will be able to open as the current shop closes in 2025.

A steering group has now been formed and the first meeting was held on Thursday, July 18, at the Carpenters Arms to discuss the next steps.