ST Breward’s community has beaten the odds and galloped to the finish line, adapting their new premises in just nine weeks to open a brand-new community-owned shop.

It comes 13 months after the closure of St Breward Stores and Post Office due to the financial pressures which came with the cost of living crisis, supermarkets and online deliveries.

The opening of the new shop follows a trend in recent years where village communities band together to fill the gap left by the closure of small shops, with the neighbouring villages of Blisland, St Tudy and St Mabyn all successfully opening similar ventures in recent years.

On Saturday, August 10, the Cornish summer ‘mizzle’ didn’t dampen St Breward’s spirits and around a hundred villagers gathered at the official opening launch to celebrate the community’s achievement. Attendees were entertained by St Breward Silver Band, and St Breward’s WI served welcome refreshments, including strawberries, cream and sweets generously donated by local suppliers.

The official ribbon-cutting ceremony was undertaken by special guests, Cornwall Councillor Dominic Fairman, supported by North Cornwall MP, Liberal Democrat Ben Maguire, charitably giving up time on his birthday. Councillor Fairman has been a major advocate from the outset, providing advice and liaison with Cornwall Council, as well as assistance from two much-needed grants to help with the set-up.

In just 15 months, the management committee formed and, with support from the Community, has: undertaken community consultation; registered as a Community Benefit Society; developed a Business Plan and Share Offer; raised more than £50,000 (including fundraisers, grants and a Share Offer); secured premises and obtained relevant permissions; adapted and fitted-out the premises; recruited a shop manager and volunteers; sourced suppliers, stocked the shop and opened.

In an opening speech, management committee chairman, Robert (Bob) Kirby-Harris explained the tremendous efforts to set-up a community-owned shop and thanked the community for their continued input and support.

After the event, Mr Kirby-Harris said: “St Breward Community Shop will be a convenient place to buy your daily essentials, but it will also provide a central hub of support and services to the community. We hope to expand on the services that we provide in the future. Being located directly next to St Breward Silver Band Room also allows a great opportunity for further collaboration and future events.”

In the opening speech, thanks were given to everyone in the community who has supported this new venture, from holding or attending fundraisers, volunteering time, advice and resources, to buying shares and becoming the founding members.

St Breward Community Shop Limited is community-owned by members who have purchased shares. The annual members meeting will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, at 7pm at St Breward Village Hall, PL30 4PP.