Hundreds of people attended the second consultation event for the Looe Flood Defence and Regeneration Scheme at the Quayside Centre on June 15 and June 17.

A big thank you was given out to the people who took part. A spokesperson from the Flood Defence team commented: "It was great to have the opportunity to talk to local residents, people who work in the town and visitors about the project and to hear your views."

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Copies of the information which was presented at these events in addition to  is available on the Let’s Talk site.

A spokesperson continued: "We hope that by providing information about the challenges facing Looe as a result of climate change, the community will better understand its shared responsibility and will come together to strengthen Looe's resilience."

The third and final consultation event will take place at the Quayside Centre between 10 am and 4pm on Friday, July 14.

"We are hoping that as many people as possible will come along to this event to see the latest information about the project and then fill in our survey. We want to ensure that the project’s decisions reflect the aspirations and the needs of the local community." A spokesperson added.

 Anyone who is unable to attend the consultation event on July 14, can complete the survey online at  The deadline for comments is 21 July.