Improvements have been made at Saltash Community School which was previously served a termination notice.

The monitoring visit by Ofsted in March found that “leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to become good”.

This is the better of two judgements that can be made during such a visit according to a letter home to parents before the Half Term holidays.

Acting headteacher Sara Del Gaudio said: “I am delighted to say that Saltash Community School received the best possible outcome, indicating that Ofsted believe we will secure Good on their next visit.

“We are incredibly proud of the hard work that has gone into gaining this positive judgement.”

The termination warning notice in February 2023 to the overarching South East Cornwall Multi Academy Regional Trust (SMART) threatened to remove the school from the academy following a lack of improvements.

The follow-up monitoring visit by his majesty’s inspector Matthew Barnes looked to identify and report on the school’s progress since the last Ofsted inspection in December 2022 which rated the school as ‘requiring improvement’.

His report, shared on the Ofsted website states that leadership at the school has changed since the last routine inspection by the body which rated the school as requiring improvement in two areas out of five including quality of education and leadership and management.

The report says the required ‘rapid improvement plan’ was slow to finalise, and that improvements ‘remain fragile’ with this leading to a delay in the improvement of teaching standards. It says: “Consequently, although pupils’ outcomes are improving, they remain below where they should be.”

The report however notes the improvement in curriculum content and planning, with use of external support helping to ‘strengthen the consistency and quality of teaching across subjects and key stages’.

Ms Del Gaudio who has set up a headteacher’s clinic to engage with parents since taking up the reins at the school said: “The whole staff and I remain firmly committed to working with our community to ensure we provide your children with a truly world-class education. Our doors are always open.”