THE weather held at the weekend in Saltash for two days of regatta fun, on the water and on the land.

Festival lovers flocked to the 189th Saltash Regatta and Waterside festival, which began with a civic parade along Fore Street to Jubilee green and an official opening by the mayor Cllr Julia Peggs.

Brunel Primary School provided the ‘under the sea’ theme decoration as the parade made its way, accompanied by the town band.

The community attended in high numbers and did not fail to show their support. Local musicians including Livewire youth project entertained audiences on the Jubilee and Waterside green stages on both days; inflatables, craft stalls and a comprehensive food market and bar rounded off the offering.

Saturday saw more than 600 rowers on the Tamar in the one-day ‘Mixed Championships 2024’ hosted by Caradon Gig Club, while on Sunday, the Gables dog show saw pooches put through their paces as our four-legged friends contested seven classes. 

Four gig boats on the river Tamar at Saltash
Caradon Gig Club held their Mixed Championships on Saturday of the Saltash Regatta (Andrew Barrett)

The undoubtable highlight of the Sunday was the cardboard boat race organised by Redeemer Church, Saltash. 

Crowds lined the pier around Ashtorre slip as the various cardboard craft ranging from a viking ship to a Supermario cart made their way into the Tamar. 

Overall winners were Lydia and Jesse Acutt on the Redeemer Express; all soggy cardboard and competitors were successfully retrieved from the water.

Karen Lilley, chair of the Saltash Regatta committee was delighted with the success of the 2024 Regatta. She said: “We enjoyed two dry days, with glorious spells of sunshine.

“The event would not be possible without the support of local business sponsors who generously donate money to the event. We are very grateful to Saltash Town Council for support through the festival fund, which was increased this year, to reflect the rising costs.

“Huge thanks to the Diverse Events, the gigs, the volunteers and our event partners – especially Saltash Environmental Action who worked tirelessly to keep the Waterside clean. 

“This event is highly regarded by the community, and we are so grateful for everyone who donates money and time, to enable this to happen.”