A LOCAL group which is campaigning for improved safety at one of Cornwall’s most dangerous junctions has said it is ‘delighted’ with recent progress.
The Safer Plusha Action Group (SPAG) has expressed its delight after Cornwall Council approved £250,000 to support a full review of options to construct a grade separated junction (GSJ) at Plusha on the A30 in their 2025-26 budget.
A spokesperson from the group said: “By taking this initiative the council have clearly demonstrated their long term commitment to road safety in the county and a clear understanding of the impact that substandard sections of the A30, such as the Plusha junction, have on the wellbeing of residents and road users, local connectivity and Cornwall’s economic prosperity”
The group provided support to Cornwall Councillor, Adrian Parsons who tabled the motion that triggered the inclusion of a Plusha GSJ evaluation in the budget.
The spokesperson continued: “The group will continue to work closely with him, other councillors, council officers, MPs, National Highways and the Ministry of Transport to find the right long term solution to the Plusha junction issues. The key tasks for the SPAG include ensuring that local opinion is represented at the highest level and scrutinising the GSJ options review while keeping all involved in the decision making process fully informed.
“SPAG recognise that the government’s current approach to assessing cost/benefit for projects such as Plusha may need to be amended and the SPAG will endeavour to help co-ordinate lobbying to change policies where necessary.
“Whilst the decision of Cornwall Council to take the lead in resolving the issues at Plusha is a milestone, it is just the beginning of a lengthy process.”
The group is inviting new members to join its campaign. To express an interest, contact: [email protected]