A SAD ending has been reported after a supermarket took a family of Herring gulls under its wing.

One of the baby seagulls that hatched at Morrisons in Liskeard eight weeks ago was hit by a car and has died of its injuries. The other fledgling gull has disappeared from the car park, said duty manager Rob Banfield.

Supermarket staff were praised by the RSPCA back in June for cordoning off eight parking spaces to protect the nest, which the parent seagulls had made at the base of a tree.

When the young birds hatched, locals named them Morris and Doris.

“Everyone was really saddened that one of the seagulls was injured and unfortunately passed away,” said Mr Banfield.

“They’d become our mascots in a funny kind of way.

“I’ve walked the car park this morning and we’re not sure where the other one is, but there doesn’t appear to be a mother in distress either, so we think they’ve moved on.”

Store staff had followed guidance from a pest management company on what to do when the gulls first made their nest, he explained.

“We also spoke to the RSPCA, and because they’re a protected species, we obviously couldn’t move them. We did what we could to ensure they had the safest environment possible while also nesting in a busy car park.”

The seagull is sitting on eggs in a nest it built at the base of a tree in the Morrisons car park in Liskeard
The seagull sitting on the eggs in a nest it built at the base of a tree in the Morrisons car park in Liskeard ( )