Running - Busy week for East Cornwall runners

Another busy week for the local runners at East Cornwall Harriers. On Sunday 1 1th July Mike Palmer tried out a new race organised by Taunton AC for the charity See Ability', this was the Wellington 10. This proved to be a very hilly race and was made more uncomfortable by the very hot weather. A rather disappointingly small field of about 50 took part, but it is hoped that it will attract more people next year. Mike finished in 72 minutes.

Tuesday 13th July was the Sticker Up and Downer 5 mile race. 135 runners turned up for this evening race, and the drizzle held off giving more comfortable running conditions.

The winner was Ronnie James from Cornwall AC, finishing in 26:06. The winner of the ladies race was Sita Waru from New Zealand in an amazing time of 29:48. Jess Hoskin and Revis Crowle from East Cornwall Harriers got second and third prizes. Newquay Road Runners managed to scoop all but one of the vets prizes, Chris Monk MV40, Mike Orchard MV45, Pat Lockett MV5O, Ron Chaplain MV55, Debbie Fugler FV35 and Lesley Ann Daw FV45.

The FV4O category was won by Karen Hall of Woking. The first and second male team prizes went to Newquay Road Runners A and B teams. The first female team prize was won by East Cornwall Harriers; Jess Hoskin, Revis Crowle, Jacky Tyler and Amanda Erith. The second female team prize went to Cornwall AC.

ECH Results: Mike Erith 31:48, Jess Hoskin 32:26, Mark Andrews 33:13, Alan Smith 33:18, Revis Crowle 33:40, Mike Palmer 33:28, Andrew Lord 34:20, Bill Muller 35:07, Jacky Tyler 37:56, Amanda Erith 38:00, Carol Pollard 42:39, Vic Mckee 51:38, and Vi Gold 52:58.

On Thursday evening the Tavistock Relay took place. The race starts outside the swimming pool and take the runners up one side of the river across the bridge and back down the other side crossing the river again back to the start. The teams are made up of four runners each racing this mile leg. There were 28 teams this year, and the first male team was Exmouth Harriers in a time of 22:10. The male vets team prize was won by East Cornwall Harriers in a time of 24:21, the team was made up by Mike Erith, Mark Andrews, Len White and Alan Smith. Jess Hoskin and Revis Crowle from East Cornwall Harriers, ran two legs of the relay each, as a complete female team wasn't available. They finished in a time of 25:17, four minutes in front of the next ladies team, but unfortunately couldn't win the team prize, organisers have decided to make them a special trophy for their outstanding result.

The Magnificent 7 race was run on Sunday 18th July. This very hilly but scenic race was beautifully organised and marshalled by the Tamar Trotters. The weather proved very hot but there was plenty of water both to drink and to run through for the 160 competitors who took part.

The winner of the event was Steve Paine from Plymouth Harriers in a time of 40:23, second place went to Alex Lockett and third to Peter Dent, both from Plymouth Harriers. First lady home was Jess Hoskin from ECH in a time of 46.55, second was Revis Crowle from ECH and third was Jennifer Mills from Bideford AC.

The male team trophy was won by Plymouth Harriers and the female team trophy was won by East Cornwall Harriers Jess Hoskin, Revis Crowle and Jacky Tyler.

Len White from ECH picked up the prize for first male over 45. ECH results - Len White 49.22; Alan White 49.28, Nick Stone 50.40, Andrew Lord, Jess Hoskin 46.55, Revis Crowle 50.32 and Jacky Tyler 58.35.

Now that the Summer season of races is well underway, Jess Hoskin (Ladies team captain) would like to thank and congratulate all the ECH ladies for their efforts in this years events. So far, we have won team prizes at the 5 Tors, Newquay 10 miles, Ivybridge 10km, Albaston Relays, Sticker Up and Downer and The Magnificent 7. Well done!

There are still several runs over the next few months, covering various distances and terrains, so lets hope we can keep it up!

We are always looking for new members, and we would welcome anyone to come and join us. Whatever your age or ability: whether you are just taking up the sport, or an "experienced" runner, we'd love to meet you. There is no pressure to compete or "race", just come along and join in. Running is a very social sport, and is an excellent way to meet new people, lose weight and keep fit. It can be hard when you first start out, but its always easier when you've got someone to go with, and much more enjoyable

We meet at Lux Park on Tuesdays (track session), or Thursdays ('gentle" run in the country), at 6.3Opm. Alternatively, contact Jess Hoskin (01 579 342382), Mark Andrews (01579 345075), or Mike Erith (01752 851480).