HOUSING on a contentious site in Dobwalls is a step closer to being built.

A reserved matters planning application for the layout, scale and landscaping of a development of 24 houses opposite the primary school has been approved by Cornwall Council.

Back in 2021, a planning inspector granted outline permission for the project after the developer went to appeal. The inspector’s go-ahead reversed a decision by Cornwall’s planning committee, and came in the face of consistent objection from the parish council.

Dobwalls Parish Council had argued that the village had reached its target quota for new housing, and that the local school and health facilities could not cope with more demand.

But the inspector ruled that the concerns could be addressed by levying money from the developer for educational provision. He stated that a clear need for affordable housing had been demonstrated in Dobwalls, even taking into account any new homes already in the pipeline in the village.

Cornwall Council’s Affordable Housing department stated at the end of 2023 that there were more than 70 households in the parish seeking affordable homes, 19 of which are over 55s.

The Dobwalls and Trewidland Neighbourhood Plan had not been quite adopted at the time the application was submitted, and so the fact that the site at Treheath lay outside the desired development boundary for the village was given limited weight in the inspector’s decision.

In October 2023, Dobwalls Parish Council had once more submitted objections to the scheme, arguing at the time that the Neighbourhood Plan was in the consultation period before a public referendum. The plan has since been adopted by local people.

The council said that there were concerns on road safety, especially for children whose school is located opposite the site. It said: “The entrance to the development is opposite the school in a 20 mph safety zone and there are also concerns regarding the additional volume of traffic.

“There is no room to expand at the school. We are also disappointed that there are not enough parking spaces for the school already and that the access will take out parking spaces.”