IT was a double victory for Callington Primary School at a tag rugby festival. More than 100 youngsters from ten of the Callington Community College's feeder primary schools took part in an annual tag rugby festival. A group of 20 Year 10 sports leaders from the college were supporting the school teams as managers and score keepers. They also led a short warm-up session with the primary youngsters before the festival started. The refereeing was ably undertaken by six students who are taking the community sports leaders award at the college, and this further developed their leadership skills as part of their course. The event was divided into two sections and the level of rugby played was excellent from all teams. Section 'A' were competing to represent Callington in the Caradon district finals which is being held at Saltash Rugby Club next month. Callington Primary School's team took the winners' spot, with Quethiock Primary School runners-up. Both teams go forward to the Caradon finals and will be invited to participate in a huge East Cornwall county event run by the police. Section 'B' was a less serious, fun section where the youngsters were being coached to develop their skills and this was also won by Callington Primary School.