Last week on Tuesday I took part in Parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee.

This was an evidence session of the ongoing Soil Health inquiry.

This was an opportunity to talk to some key arms-length government bodies.

Natural England advises the government on soil health matters including the design of schemes like Countryside Stewardship, which is being merged into its Environmental Land Management schemes (ELMs).

It is also involved in future monitoring programmes. The Environment Agency regulates industries and waste, monitors the environment and enforces soil health protections that exist in law.

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is a statutory levy board, funded by farmers, growers and others in the supply chain, which provides advice, market intelligence and develops tools for the agricultural community.

I would like to thank all those taking part. It is important that we have the best possible advice for our farmers who produce so much of our food here in South East Cornwall.

After this I was invited to Speakers House to mark the 41 years since Liberation Day on the Falklands Islands. Many will remember the boats going out from Plymouth. I remember going down to the quay at Cremyll not knowing if these brave troops would return. At the event I met some of the Falkland Islanders and I know they will never forget the sacrifices made and are really thankful to the brave men and women who liberated them after the invasion.

On Wednesday I met with guide dog and other assistance dog owners. I believe that they should never be refused access from places like shops, restaurants or taxis.

I was shocked to discover that over 81% of guide dog owners have been refused access to businesses and services in the past.

I would like to thank the constituents which wrote to me about this important issue. Guide Dogs is working with guide dog owners, businesses and services to help prevent access refusals from happening. I agreed to press the Minister to strengthen the law around access.

I also met with a group representing small charities in the UK. There are many small charities which often do fantastic work in their communities.

They wanted to highlight Small Charity Week which celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector who make an invaluable contribution to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

Lastly on Saturday it was a pleasure to attend the wedding of my neighbouring MP Scott Mann. Scott is the Member of Parliament for North Cornwall and it was a joy to see him formalise his relationship with his long term partner Nicola Wade.

I would like to wish them every happiness for the future.