An arresting musical evening with the best loved and accomplished Plymouth Area Police Choir promises to captivate the audience at Saltash on Friday, October 21.
The choir, which was formed in 1972, is made up of 30 serving and retired police officers, special constables, police staff and those with no affiliation but with proven musical ability.
Brian Gerry, musical director, who is leading the choir said: “We are really looking forward to performing for the Sue Hooper Charitable Foundation once again, and we are delighted to sing many familiar songs at the concert, including sacred and songs from the movies and shows.”
The choir, supported by award winning Saltash vocalist and composer Flo Bonner, will be performing in aid of The Sue Hooper Charitable Foundation at Burraton Chapel at 7pm on October 21. The foundation has provided many thousands of pounds to young people and of all ages over the past 22 years to aid them in their performing arts studies, participation and purchasing instruments.
The Trust was founded by Sue Hooper in aid and support of the promotion and education of Music, Drama and the Performing arts in all their disciplines in 2000.
A spokesman for the Foundation said: “The trustees are thrilled to welcome back the Plymouth Area Police Choir once again; we have many friends past and present within the choir and musically go back many years.
“The Police Choir have also produced charitable CD’s which can be bought at the concert.
“Of-course, there is nothing more captivating than a live performance of the Police Choir, and for a taste of what to expect we can view their performances on YouTube.”