TOWN and parish councils, along with other community groups and individuals in the East and West Looe valleys, are teaming up to plan a new month-long community festival.

Set to take place this April - ‘We are of this place - A’n tyller ma on ni’ - the festival promises to provide those living in the local community with something that they can either take part in, contribute to or learn from.

A series of events will be set up and run by local groups forming a programme which will be co-ordinated by volunteers.

The programme will include guided walks, local produce and craft markets, regenerative farming and climate change events, storytelling, a rockpool rumble, as well as other events on the coast.

There will also be other activities around water quality in local rivers and, of course, Easter events in village halls and churches.

Organisers of the festival say they will be setting up a webpage and email address soon to gather any ideas and suggestions, so keep an eye out for this on community social media pages and village websites.