PROPOSALS for the development of land for storage units in Liskeard may not be acceptable.

That is the verdict of Cornwall Council’s planning department in response to a pre-application request.

Mr Squance sought pre-application advice from the local authority, seeking their assessment on proposals for developing the land adjacent to Wadeland Terrace, New Road for siting storage units.

In response, a Cornwall Council planning officer responded to his proposals, said: “When assessing the full proposed development as set out in the submitted information, I am of the view that there is likely to be no scope for the proposed works as submitted with this pre-application.

“Due to the constrained size of the site and its location adjacent to the slip road off of the A38, I am of the view that the impacts of the proposal particularly on the character and appearance of the area, as well as its impacts on highways, would not be acceptable.

“Given the location of the site and the positive contribution offered by this green space, I am highly doubtful that any development of the site could acceptably be achieved. Therefore, the proposal is unlikely to receive officer support and it is not recommended that a future planning application is submitted for the proposal.”