Following the approval in 2022 of outline planning permission for over 200 homes at Bodieve, Wadebridge, a reserved matters application featuring fuller details of the proposed development has now been submitted to Cornwall Council by Vistry Partnerships.
The proposal comprises 245 properties, 74 of which would be affordable, and associated infrastructure and open space which will include two play areas, provision for teenagers and drainage basins.
The housing includes ten one-bed apartments, 75 two-bed houses, 124 three-bed houses and 36 four-bed houses. The majority of new homes would be two storeys with a handful of 2.5 storey homes and one bungalow. if approved, there will be three new junctions onto the B3314 providing access to the site.
Application details also include 1.75 hectares of new woodland planting, 0.25 hectares of new wildlife ponds, raised table treatment at junctions for traffic calming, new pedestrian and cycle connections, a central green space delivering varied woodland planting and key tree planting along a new link road, plus a proposed sub station.
The streets would be tree-lined and there would be an orchard, walking loops and rest stops. The site is divided into four distinct character areas. Higher Bodieve would be located in the north-east of the site and encompasses the main site entrance. The Avenue would be located in the north and follows the principal road through the site.
Bodieve Mews would be located on the east and west periphery and be less visible. Located in the southern parcel, The Courtyard would be isolated from the other areas.
Wadebridge Town Council said: “An extension has been agreed by the Planning Officer and this application will be considered at the April Full Council meeting. Wadebridge Town Council note that there is no material to show that Conditions 6 and 7, amongst others, will be satisfied and as such the planning application is incomplete and Wadebridge Town Council will be requesting further information. Remaining items will be deferred for discussion at next meeting.”
Neighbouring parish council, Egloshayle Parish Council added: “Not supported, pending submission of highway link road details in accordance with planning approval conditions stipulated by the Planning Inspector in August 2022.”
Of the two public comments submitted thus far, one comprised an objection and the other an observation.
Mrs Fiona Clark observed: “With regard to access to the proposed development, I suggest that it is of major concern that there is little reference to the "new road [that] must be delivered before any house is sold...", and no pictorial representation of the previously proposed link road from the B3314 to the Ball roundabout, any further than the northern aspect of the southern portion of the proposed development.
“The link road needs to be constructed prior to commencement of construction on either site, in order to prevent overburdening the existing infrastructure with the addition of construction vehicular movement.
“It needs to be in place ongoing because of the general increase in traffic movements in connection with the completed development, and, if the two proposed roundabouts are not to be completed at the outset, then the residents of Bodieve would at least require a traffic light system set up to facilitate the flow of traffic to and from the hamlet in the interim, and to protect pedestrians, if pavement improvements have not yet been carried out.
“Noise: Every effort should be implemented to protect the nearest existing residents by way of noise mitigation during tree removal, road works and general construction, taking into account that there may be elderly/ frail individuals resident in adjacent properties who may be physiologically affected by noise, with resultant ill-effects on their health.”
The plans are currently under decision by Cornwall Council.