Plans to build 14 new homes in a village have been approved but only if at least half of them are affordable.

DJW Build Ltd submitted an outline planning application to build the homes on land north of Gospenheal in Upton Cross.

The application is classed as a rural exception site and so has to be affordable housing led, with the developer agreeing that at least half of the homes will be affordable.

Council planning officers recommended that the application should be approved but, in a report to the east sub-area planning committee, admitted that it was “finely balanced”.

They said that while there would be a clear benefit in providing homes to meet local need there would be harm to the environment with the site being in the Lynher Valley Area of Great Landscape Value.

Linkinhorne Parish Council had asked for the committee to undertake a site visit saying that they felt that the site was “not safe or appropriate for a development of this type”.

They said there were concerns about highway safety and councillors were also uncertain about the number of affordable homes which would be provided.

An agent for the applicants told the committee that they were committed to providing at least 50% affordable homes and said they would also look to provide one-bedroom homes which were in most demand.

Committee member Jennifer Cruse said she was concerned that the development would impact the environment and wildlife.

She said: “We are facing a huge crisis with our wildlife in Cornwall. A huge amount of work has gone into making this development ecologically sound. But I think the overall effect will be to the detriment of the environment.”

Barry Jordan said he supported the proposals: “We do need housing, we need affordable housing and need housing for single people.”

Adrian Parsons said he agreed with planning officers that the application was finely balanced but recognised that “quite a lot of work and effort has gone into delivering a scheme that will be of some benefit to the local community”.

The committee agreed to grant outline planning permission with eight votes in favour and one against. The approval includes a Section 106 agreement that at least 50% of the properties will be affordable.

The developers would also have to pay a contribution towards off-site education and public open space facilities.