A plan to build 43 houses in an area blighted by landslips – which saw the death of a woman caused by a landslide in 2013 – has been recommended for approval by Cornwall Council’s planning department.

The Diocese of Truro, which owns the land in Looe, and Looe LVA LLP are seeking permission to build the development in the town.

The matter has been brought before the council’s east area planning committee next Monday (July 8) by the area’s councillor Armand Toms, who shares the concerns of Looe Town Council, which has objected to the proposal. The plan is for 43 houses, including 13 affordable homes, opposite Salter Close, above roads which have been previously hit by landslips.

A large number of residents are concerned that the proposed development and associated landscaping will lead to water run-off and drainage issues, which they fear could lead to more landslides and damage to property and, worse, people.

Looe Town Council has objected to the application for a number of reasons, but its major concern is drainage. It stated at a planning meeting in February that “further development would cause further severe water run-off. The ground conditions of St Martin’s Road comprise superficial deposits … which are particularly susceptible to the effects of both ground water and surface water. This has been clearly evidenced by numerous landslips along St Martin’s Road and Sandplace Road”.

The council has highlighted the landslide risk in its report to Cornwall Council’s planning department, including comments made by a coroner following the death of Susan Norman in 2013. Susan was killed when her home on Sandplace Road was engulfed in mud and rubble after 72 hours of heavy rain.

An inquest jury found in 2016 that she “died as a result of being buried by the property she lived in, it collapsing due to a landslide. Cornwall Council ought to have known at the time of a real and immediate risk of death to Susan Norman in view of the information before them” of evidence of historic landslips.

The coroner noted that Cornwall Council did not listen to regular, consistent and frustrated complaints by the local residents and said: “I can do no more than submit a warning of the possibilities that may lie ahead if further weight is placed upon the area [and] if further disruption is caused to the ground and water table on the site.”

A number of residents have raised concerns about the proposals on Cornwall Council’s online planning register, pointing out that the Neighbourhood Plan had allocated the site for potential development but for 25 houses rather than 43 properties.

Planning officer George Shirley has recommended approval subject to conditions, including a contribution to the NHS of up to £20,160 towards Old Bridge Surgery and a contribution of up to £15,953 towards “the mitigation of recreational impacts on the Plymouth Sound and Estuaries SAC and Tamar Estuaries Complex SPA Natura 2000”.

Conditions also include a contribution of £71 per affordable unit and £1,030 per open market house to be allocated to “Millpool Skate Park Project and/or Barbican Sports Field and/or the creation or improvement of outdoor sports/teenage space within Looe parish”. A contribution of £40,000 towards the delivery of a bus stop near the B3253/Kilmers Way junction is also part of the deal.

A planning report states that, based on the findings of flood risk investigations, there is a very low risk of the development causing instability in the surrounding area. The Lead Local Flood Authority has raised no objections to the scheme, subject to conditions securing surface water design details and groundwater monitoring.

The planning committee will make a decision when it meets at 10am on Monday, July 8, at County Hall/Lys Kernow in Truro.