Grab a slice of birthday cake, and pull the party poppers. The Phluid brand has reached its first birthday in the South west of England. 

From its inception over two decades ago in London, the brand has moved to Bristol, where the Company’s originator Leo Paine has had the privilege of working with such greats as The Clash’s very own Mick Jones, and has been “out on the town” with stars such as Maureen Lipman and Frank Turner. Arriving in the West Country just as the pandemic reared its ugly head Phluid Records, as did many other brands and Companies at the time, struggled to create or maintain a foothold. However, tenacity won through and together with a handful of like-minded local individuals the brand has proven that if you do the right thing at the right time, you can make friends, and make anything happen.

One year on we would like to thank everybody that has got behind us as a brand and given us great content for our broadcasts and live streams that have now reached a whopping 100,000 views across our media platforms.

Without the fantastic publicans, Landlords and Ladies and club owners across the region we wouldn’t be able to publish our very successful Gig Guide. And without Scarlett and Zoe at the Cornish Times, we wouldn’t have a platform from which to share it. Thank you ladies.

A big thank you to Julie, Sid, Sam and Emma at Glynn Valley Chefs Wear for fulfilling our on-going orders for merch including T-shirts, Hoodies and caps. And a massive thanks to Christina Pierce, royal Academy trained sport’s artist for producing a limited edition mug high-lighting the impact of art theft on all artists. Also thanks to Demelza and Barry down at “Beyond the Sea” art gallery in Perranporth for their window display of these fantastic mugs. Incidentally you can catch an interview with their daughter Rosa Hoadley on Phluid Vision, just before she was played on BBC Introducing. What a talent.

Also a massive thanks to Mrs. Wal for supplying us with our weekly quiz; we can only apologise for being rubbish at it. And thanks also to all the local breweries who have supplied some fine-tasting beers for our “Tipple of the Week” slot.

A big thank you also, to Dawn Lee and the Squances, who have never missed a shoe, and to Siege and all those who have provided us with skits.

When it comes to music, we have also been privileged to work with some of the best local talent in Cornwall . The Andy Quick Band, Ashley Harding, Joe Chown, Black Tar Roses and Lady Noir to name just a handful. Again, the content that these guys and gals have provided for our You Tube channel has been prolific and much appreciated.

We have had the honour of “Zooming” with the phenomenally talented Joolz Denby, as well as the incredible Willow Trio harpist group way up in Scotland, and can only thank these people for allowing us a glimpse into their extremely busy lives.

Going into our second year of broadcasting we are kicking off this weekend with The Relay For Life in Liskeard, which will be a fun-packed 24 hour event organised by Cancer Research UK. Search relay for life Liskeard for full details, and we will see you there. There are plenty of live acts to keep you entertained all weekend, and playing live on Sunday morning will be the amazing Lady Noir, with Cancer Research being an organisation close to the band’s heart.

Phluid Record’s Steve Prout will be hosting the event, Scot Weller will be providing sustenance for everyone with his Original Cornish Pasties, and with the weather set to be sunny and clear we are expecting a great turn-out. 

Following on from that, as Phluid gets under way for its second year, viewers and listeners can expect a bumper crop of interviews and streams from more local artists, a raft of additional content, collaborations with other local enterprises and more and more diverse shows.

Once again, a big thank you to everyone who has made our journey over the last twelve months a fun and interesting one. If we forgot to mention you, email in and moan at us...

Find out more by searching phluid records this space.