A GROUP of intrepid swimmers plunged into the water at Adrenalin Quarry on July 13 to raise vital funds for mental health charity MIND. 

The team at the Menheniot water park allowed the 24 swimmers free entry to the park to complete their open water swim the length of the quarry. 

The event was organised by Looe West Cornwall councillor Jim Candy.

He said: “I have suffered from depression, and want to raise the importance of good mental health, and help remove the stigmas associated with it. 

“It is also important to stay fit and exercise, especially in the open air. I started swimming when I retired and have swum in the sea for the last three winters and I am certain it has helped me cope with stress better.” 

“This was the third year I have organised the event in this great setting, watching people jumping off the cliffs, flying down the zip wire or enjoying the aquapark as we swim up and back chatting to one another. 

“It was a great way to start the weekend, and fantastic to raise over £2,500 over the years for this great cause.”

Donations are still being accepted on the JustGiving page: www.justgiving.com/page/dp-candy-1718135191200