A TRIAL scheme aimed at alleviating issues for motorists and pedestrians using the problematic junction at Gilston Road in Saltash is already proving chaotic as our pictures show.
The new six-month trial, which came into operation today, has been set up to prevent motorists from turning right out of Gilston Road onto Callington Road.
Instead, all traffic leaving the retail development site and industrial estate should be turning left and, if they need to head up to Carkeel roundabout, use the Pilmere Roundabout as a way of making their way back up the road.
But, as the Cornish Times witnessed first-hand, motorists are still turning right out of the junction, manoeuvring their way around the set up cones and bollards and back up to Carkeel roundabout.
In a 10-minute period alone, over 15 cars turned right out of the junction, some narrowly missing traffic that was making its way down the road.
As our pictures show, no signage has been put in place yet to prevent motorists from turning right.
At the same time, matters in the areas were not helped by a vehicle which had somehow got itself ridged onto the Pilmere roundabout.
Cornwall County Councillor, Martin Worth, has said has raised the issue to the Cormac board for action.
He understands that preparatory works started on Monday evening with the rest of the installation to happen over the next two nights, by which time the signage should be in place.
He said: “I understand from enquiries I have just made that there was a delay from a sign supplier. This means they haven’t been put out immediately, but there was a need to get works underway given the Emergency Traffic Regulation Order is due to come into effect.”
Cornwall Council have been asked to comment, but as yet they have not replied.