NEARLY £10,000 has been raised to fund vital cancer treatment thanks to the work of one Camelford group.
The Camelford committee of Cancer Research UK (CRUK) held their AGM in the Camelford Fore St Methodist Church on Thursday, March 13, 2025.
At the meeting, Madge Walkey, Hon. Secretary reported on the year’s activities which have resulted in another successful year financially. Madge thanked everyone who helped in any way throughout the year. We have such a wonderful amount of people who support our activities each year. Many help with the running of the event, for which we are extremely grateful.
The committee have been raising money for over 47 years; some of the events include bingo, ploughman’s and pudding lunch, pasty supper with a group of friends entertaining everyone with their singing. One committee member raises and successfully sells plants each year. They say that they would not be able to function without the help of so many supporters, claiming “many hands make light work!”
Thanks to their members’ hard work, the organisation has raised a total of £9,350.
The funds were presented in a cheque to Kim Hammerton, relationship manager for Cancer Research UK.
Kim thanked the group for their donation and gave a comprehensive report on the work of Cancer Research UK which was appreciated by the committee members.
The charity is the world's largest independent cancer research organisation. It uses donations from groups and individuals from across the country to fund the work of scientists, doctors and nurses to help beat cancer sooner, while also providing cancer information to the public.
A spokesperson for Cancer Research UK said: “ Your donations support research that saves lives. A regular income means we can plan ahead, committing to long-term research projects with huge potential that could help save more lives. “