AN MP's cycle ride may see the total needed for a new St John Ambulance for Saltash being reached - although more money will be required to ensure the ambulance carries as much high-tech equipment as possible.

South East Cornwall MP Colin Breed, who lives in Saltash, is aiming to finish a mammoth charity cycle ride outside The Union Inn on the Waterfront about 5pm this afternoon (Friday).

With luck sponsorship raised from his ride may see the £40,000 necessary for the new ambulance being reached - although it is hoped a further £7,500 can be gathered for the equipment, such as a defibrillator.

Mr Breed set out on Wednesday, from Lands End, with the aiming of cycling home for the 'Crusader Ambulance Appeal' for which

£38,000 has already been raised. The appeal secretary of the Saltash division of St John, Marie Baker, said that the new ambulance will be included with St John's next bulk order, and it is hoped that perhaps it may be in use by the New Year.

She said there have been offers from businesses offering places for the ambulance to be kept, as the current vehicle is parked on hardstanding in a field.

However, the ultimate aim would be for new purpose-built premises which the ambulance will fit into perfectly - and St John would be grateful to hear from anyone who can help with this.

She praised local companies and residents who have helped St John raise £20,000 since the fund was launched in May last year - £18,000 already being in the bank. She said: 'We have certainly raised the money quicker than we initially thought. It would be nice, though, if we could bring in the extra £7,5000 which would be the ideal amount to buy the necessary equipment.'

Mr Breed himself said: 'The new ambulance and equipment will help the local St John Ambulance Brigade to carry on their excellent work for the community. We all appreciate the services of the Brigade, who are often on hand at events providing first aid support.

'The appeal has already had tremendous support from the general public, and I am happy to make my own contribution by being sponsored to cycle the whole length of Cornwall.'

Marie said: 'We are delighted that Colin has been able to support our appeal in such an energetic and enthusiastic way.'