The Linkinhorne Carnival and Summer Fayre took place on Saturday, July 29, organised by Rilla Mill Village Hall committee members.

Entrants for the carnival were very small this time but nonetheless they gathered once the judging had taken place by Christopher and Pauline Daniel.

They all proceeded through the village led from the village hall by Launceston Town Band to Parson’s Meadow for the crowning of the carnival king, Bobby Morse, and queen Natalie Kilby, by a senior member of the community, Jack Davy.

Fun continued with plenty of activities to enjoy while the band played joyful music, plus there was a BBQ and tasty light bites from the field kitchen.

The ‘Children’s Model Raft Race’ took place with 27 floating their way towards the winning line near the bridge.

A little later, the annual ‘Duck Race’ took place with in excess of 1,300 ducks taking to the water.

The money raised for the upkeep of the village hall and Parson’s Meadow will be announced later.

Thanks were expressed to all those who helped in any way, took part in the carnival and to all who attended on thankfully a dry day.