The Moor to Sea heritage project helped to spread some Christmas cheer by hosting a carol sing-along on the Looe Valley Line on Monday, December 19.

Carols on the branch line’ were led by volunteer singers and included a free mince pie for passengers.

The sing-along took place on the 17.25 Looe-Liskeard and 17.57 Liskeard-Looe services. No special tickets were required.

Moor to Sea works in collaboration with the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership to encourage people to see a different side of their valley by train.

Carols organiser and one of the strand leaders on the Moor to Sea project, Caleb Barron, said: “We are so fortunate to have this historic and beautiful branch line on our doorstep. It feels fitting to get in the festive spirit together with a ride on the train.”

Great Western Railway station manager for Plymouth and East Cornwall, Lee Goodson, said: “The Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership has helped to deliver a host of worthwhile projects and it’s great that Moor to Sea successfully encouraging more people to explore the Looe Valley.”

Moor to Sea Project Manager Stephen Horscroft said: “This is a great opportunity to soak up the Christmas atmosphere on one of the most beautiful branch lines in the UK, and whose existence over the past 150 years has shaped the economy of the area through its links with the industrial heritage that helped power the industrial revolution.”

The Moor to Sea project is a Heritage Lottery Funded initiative with match funding from a range of partners which include the Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership and the Community Rail Development Fund (a joint initiative of the Department of Transport and the Community Rail Network), as well as the Cornwall Heritage Trust, the World Heritage Site team and Liskeard, Looe & Cornwall Councils.

Its aim is to build partnerships and capacity among heritage and environmental organisations in the valley between Looe and Liskeard in South-East Cornwall.